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God Has Big Plans for Your Family

God Has Big Plans for Your Family

The Word of God has so much to say about the future of our family members, the blessing of our children and grandchildren, and the legacy of faith we can build and leave behind. Let me share just a few of these passages with you: Isaiah wrote, “For I will pour water...

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Fighting a Spirit War

Fighting a Spirit War

A spiritual battle is raging in Israel and around our world. We see the other wars covered on the news day after day. In addition to the physical war being fought with guns and planes and tanks, there is an economic war, an ideological war, and a media war. Those are...

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My Prayer with Iran’s President Raisi

My Prayer with Iran’s President Raisi

I knew Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi who died in a helicopter crash near his country's border with Azerbaijan. We met several times in New York City when he came for meetings at the United Nations. More than once we met in his hotel. The last time we met, I asked...

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Iran Launched First Ever Direct Attack On Israel!

Iran Launched First Ever Direct Attack On Israel!

On April 13th Iran unleashed more than 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles in its first ever direct attack on Israel. Though the situation is rapidly changing, we wanted to give you this update on the current situation...and what to expect. As soon as...

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Mr. President, You’re Wrong About Israel

Mr. President, You’re Wrong About Israel

In your State of the Union address, you said, “Most people in Gaza are not Hamas.” You're wrong. Most people in Gaza are Hamas. The Palestinians in Gaza voted Hamas into power 17 years ago, and during the last 17 years, Hamas has instituted the most antisemitic...

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Where Will America Stand?

Where Will America Stand?

  During his State of the Union Address, President Joe Biden announced plans for the U.S. to build a floating harbor in Gaza, which would be used to distribute food and other humanitarian aid. He condemned Israel for the situation on the ground and uncritically...

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How to Develop Mountain-Moving Faith

How to Develop Mountain-Moving Faith

  The evangelist Dwight L. Moody once said, “Faith that fizzles in the finish has a flaw in the beginning.” For many Christians, faith is a concept, not a reality. It is easier for them to talk about faith than to walk by it, but the Bible says it is impossible...

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A Miracle in a Piggy Bank

A Miracle in a Piggy Bank

When Carolyn and I started out in our ministry, we had almost nothing. But we believed in what God wanted us to do. We were working with Jewish young people who were struggling with addiction and other issues. Many of them came from New York, and God began to burden...

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Who Is on the Throne?

Who Is on the Throne?

Who is on the throne of your life? Many Believers would automatically reply, “God.” But is that really true? Men of integrity and honor, who dare to speak out against sin, too often become targets for egotistical men who place themselves above the will and call of...

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What Others Are Saying

Benjamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister of Israel

Prime Minister of Israel“Mike Evans is a cherished friend; he is a fighter for freedom in a world of darkening and narrowing horizons. In his devotion to Israel, Mike has consistently demonstrated the moral clarity that is necessary to defend Israel against the lies and distortions of its enemies and championed the Jewish people’s claim to the Land of Israel.”

Ehud Olmert

Former Prime Minister of Israel

Former Prime Minister of Israel“I have known Mike Evans for more than two decades, and I consider him to be a great friend of Jerusalem and the State of Israel. He has always been there for us in our time of need speaking out with courage and compassion. Mike Evans is a true ambassador of Jerusalem, representing millions of Christians in America.”

Shimon Peres

The late His Excellency, President Shimon Peres of Israel

“Mike Evans is a dreamer, but his dreams come true. It was my honor serving as international chairman of his Friends of Zion Museum and traveling with Mike, meeting with world leaders such as Pope Francis, President George W. Bush, and Prince Albert of Monaco.”

Dr. Jack Hayford

Pastor/President, The King’s Seminary

Jack Hayford“May this day be blessed by a new visitation of God’s purpose for you. Please know how thankful we are for you as well as for the privilege of your friendship and fellowship. Blessings, dear brother. You are loved and esteemed in His life and the partnership in ministry for the Kingdom we so richly enjoy.”

Danny Ayalon

Ambassador of Israel

Ambassador of Israel“The Prime Minister (Ariel Sharon) would like to express his personal appreciation to you, Mike Evans, for being such a great friend of Jerusalem and the State of Israel, speaking out with courage and compassion for over two decades. He salutes your achievements and wishes you continued success.”


America In Prophecy

The prophetic thread began in the Old Testament with Abraham and his offspring, Isaac and Ishmael. The U.S. has tried to join hands both with Israel, a descendant of Isaac, and Arab countries, descendants of Ishmael: The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the…

The 2024 Presidential Election

It is not Middle East policy that is driving the U.S. response to the war for survival that Israel is fighting. It is not geopolitical strategy or a grand plan to shape the future of the world. It is all about November 5—election day.   For the first time since 1956, the presidential election will be a…


“A Festival to the Lord”   This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover. On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn…

Yom Hashoah: A Day to Remember, A Day to Mourn

At sundown on May 5th, the nation of Israel will come to a halt.  Sirens will wail across the country.  People will stop driving, stop walking, and simply stand silently.  It is Yom HaShoah—the day when Israel renews the holy vow “Never Again.”  The demonic evil of anti-Semitism did not go away when the Holocaust…

Courage & Faith in Action

She was just an ordinary girl.  Esther had no famous or well-connected relatives.  In fact, she and her people were living as a minority in a foreign land where they had been taken by a conquering enemy army; yet, today her name is synonymous with faith and courage.  The short book that bears her name…


Please Note: News updates may link to external sources. JPT does not endorse and is not responsible for content that may be encountered at these sites.

PM claims Israel close to 'dismantling Hamas military'

Netanyahu indicated that the process of eliminating the remaining terrorists in Gaza would require more time. According to the IDF, once Hamas’s capabilities are neutralized, attention can shift to the…

02 Jul

Two IDF soldiers killed in an explosion in Gaza, another suffers serious injuries

Master Sergeant (Res.) Nadav Elchanan Knoller and Major (Res.) Eyal Avnion were killed in the Netzarim corridor late on Monday. The IDF is investigating the cause of the explosion.

02 Jul

Israeli wounded in Samaria terror shooting

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, urged for a comprehensive campaign targeting the terror networks of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

02 Jul

Mother of rescued hostage Noa Argamani dies

Following her rescue from an eight-month-long captivity, Noa stays close to her mother during her final days. A member of the special operations team revealed that Noa’s first question upon…

02 Jul

ADL launches $4b lawsuit on behalf of US Oct. 7 victims

“Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of antisemitism and terror—along with Syria and North Korea, they must be held responsible.”

02 Jul

Israel to begin offensive in Lebanon later in July, report

According to diplomatic sources, an IDF incursion into Lebanon is set to commence unless Hezbollah halts its fire on northern Israel. The Iran proxy has stated that it will continue…

02 Jul

IDF soldier killed, another seriously wounded near Tulkarem

According to initial IDF investigation, the APC carrying the two soldiers was struck by a powerful explosive charge.

02 Jul

Iran in tireless effort to introduce weapons, drugs into Jordan

Iran is focusing its efforts on destabilizing Jordan from the region where the borders of Syria, Jordan, and Iraq intersect.

02 Jul

IDF foils weapons smuggling from Jordan

In a joint announcement by the IDF spokesperson and police spokespersons, it was revealed that a smuggling attempt involving over 75 guns and dozens of weapon parts in the Jordan…

02 Jul

20 rockets fired from Gaza in largest barrage in months; soldier killed in Rafah

The attack claimed by Islamic Jihad on border communities resulted in no injuries or damage reported. Meanwhile, the infantryman killed in Rafah has been identified as Sgt. Ori Itzchak Hadad,…

02 Jul
The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.