Bertha from Namibia
March 24 at 2:33 am
Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ I greet you in the name of Jesus..Please pray for my brother Joseph ,he is going for an interview on wensday please pray for him to win this post.
Bertha on March 25 at 2:30 amThank you so much beloved ones..May his will be done!
Shampa Raychaudhuri on March 24 at 2:47 pmDear Bertha, Having prayed I would like to share these scriptures with you from the Bible for your brother Joseph - Psalm 5:12 - " For You bless the righteous O LORD; You cover them with favour as with a shield. " Genesis 39:2 - " The LORD was with Joseph, and he became a successful man; " In Jesus' precious name, Amen. Praise the LORD! To G-d be all the glory! G-d bless you both.