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Deb from the United States

October 5 at 7:54 am
Almight God-our creator and Father-bless Israel and Your City of Jerusalem. Bring peace and glory to her. Thank you for the blessing of being able to visit there 2 years ago-may we visit again?  Will you bring restoration and healing in our family-i love you O Lord-in Jesus Name-Amen

Amanda Lewis from the United States

October 5 at 7:53 am
My health, my children, my daughter needs a friend! My husband my mothers health and a very important unspoken request, my sisters salvation! Amen In the name of Yeshua

sumit from India

October 5 at 7:46 am
Please pray for me I need a government job and please pray for me for healing. I have health issue. Pray for my father for recovering from his debt as he is in huge financial debt and pray for my family health. And prosperity. And all there desire. Fulfilled in name of Jesus pray for us.

Angela from the United States

October 5 at 6:35 am
Pray that I would be right in the eyes of the Lord and lead as many people to Christ and eternal life in Heaven as I possibly can.  Pray for me that I would be healed from bipolar.  I'm waiting to be seen at the Un. of Penn by a doctor who was part of a team that discovered an illness they think that a significant amount of people with bipolar have, and when treated, it would reverse the bipolar.  The doctor is currently reviewing my case this week.  And pray for my hair to be restored lost by the meds and stress of the illness.  I also pray for America and the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and for the reelection of President Trump and others who will lift up God in their actions in government.  I pray for God to reenter America in our schools and our government and our people.  And for revival in our nation.  And for Christians to become who God has called us to become and noting less.  That we would repent and fast and obey just as Isaiah 58 instructs.

Naami from the United States

October 5 at 6:32 am
I pray for God to use me to win souls unto His kingdom, to heal the sick and support the poor. I also want God to give me all the fruits of the spirit and especially discerning of spirits and the gift of prophecy. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God should have mercy on my daughter Nancy and heal her of every infirmity in her body. I want a financial blessing and breakthrough and a business idea from God to do my own business. Thank you prayer team.

Angie from the United States

October 5 at 6:28 am
Please pray for my healing from severe bipolar and to be seen by Dr. Lancaster at Univ of Penn. They believe they found the illness that may cause it in 2007 and if treated it would reverse the bipolar. Also pray for my hair to be restored. Years of this illness and meds  caused stress and wear on my body. Pray that I would be made well and can lead as many people possible to Christ.  

Angie from the United States

October 5 at 6:28 am
Please pray for my healing from severe bipolar and to be seen by Dr. Lancaster at Univ of Penn. They believe they found the illness that may cause it in 2007 and if treated it would reverse the bipolar. Also pray for my hair to be restored. Years of this illness and meds  caused stress and wear on my body. Pray that I would be made well and can lead as many people possible to Christ.  

Mark from the United States

October 5 at 6:26 am
I ask Yahweh to work a great miracle in my life, especially in the area of my finances. I also am praying for peace in Israel and ask for great blessings for Yahweh's chosen people. I also ask our great heavenly Father for his protection for our President Donald J. Trump and his administrations' success in removing the traitors that have been inserted in our government for the destruction of our Nation and Constitution. Through Our Lord Yeshua Hamashiach...AMEN

Angie from the United States

October 5 at 6:26 am
Please pray for my healing from severe bipolar and to be seen by Dr. Lancaster at Univ of Penn. They believe they found the illness that may cause it in 2007 and if treated it would reverse the bipolar. Also pray for my hair to be restored. Years of this illness and meds  caused stress and wear on my body. Pray that I would be made well and can lead as many people possible to Christ.  

Calvin from the United States

October 5 at 6:13 am
pray for us that God will bless our new car headlight cleaning business and Window Cleaning business please pray that we will get unlimited car headlights to clean and unlimited store and home Windows to clean that doors will be opened at different car lots, car washing places and gas stations that they will want us to come and be able to set up in front of their locations and that we be able to clean 10 to 20 headlights every day and that God will be lifted up and all the glory will go qto him for all of this in Jesus name amen

dike from Nigeria

October 5 at 5:59 am
I want God to help me in my job; headhunting. to be able to fix employments for my candidates. I want God to help me win my football betting today. I want God to give me a wife

Joni lipton from the United States

October 5 at 5:19 am
Dear God, please help my husband and his partner Pam have a successful business in their farm market. Please let successfully open soon without problems. Amen

Bishop Rabson Mutambalika from South Africa

October 5 at 4:43 am
My ministry Amazing Glory Ministries to reach out mightily for Christ Jesus My Transport Business Bishop freight & General PTY Ltd to grow and be profitable My Family wife Ireen kids Sailas Mary Caleb and Hannah to receive grace upon grace to be in good health and prosper

TOMINIYI from Nigeria

October 5 at 4:37 am
1. God please put an end to fruitless labour in my life. 2. God please connect me with my destiny helpers. 3. God in your mercy let your work you have entrusted to my hand prosper in Jesus name.

Juliet from India

October 5 at 4:08 am
Prayer requested for my daughter's mental state, for my husband's health and my own health,for my second daughter and her family who are doing Ministry work. Release of all our money owed to us and the clearance of debt. Jesus promised visitation to our house to be advanced and the joy ,peace and love of the Holy Spirit and His presence to be experienced in our house

Leah from the United States

October 5 at 3:46 am
Lord touch our city and family with your protection Amen And I pray for Israel dear Lord and our trip this Sat to walk where you walked And taught Amen

Victoria from the United States

October 5 at 3:17 am
Pray for blessing of the womb for my daughter. Healing of the body for me and my husband Successful graduation for two of children from university Salvation of my family members Aversation of war in Nigeria.

Ama from Ghana

October 5 at 2:14 am
Jehovah God, I thank You for being God. Blessed be Thy name. Father my prayer is that please take me safely to New York & back to Ghana. I pray for my Mother, my sister, her husband and children. I pray for protection for myself and my family. Please Jehovah protect Nhyira, Nadom and Aseda from every evil agenda. Jehovah please help me to get my master's certificate. I thank You. I pray in Jesus's name. Amen

Ama from Ghana

October 5 at 2:13 am
Jehovah God, I thank You for being God. Blessed be Thy name. Father my prayer is that please take me safely to New York & back to Ghana. I pray for my Mother, my sister, her husband and children. I pray for protection for myself and my family. Please Jehovah protect Nhyira, Nadom and Aseda from every evil agenda. Jehovah please help me to get my master's certificate. I thank You. I pray in Jesus's name. Amen

Ama from Ghana

October 5 at 2:11 am
Jehovah God, I thank You for being God. Blessed be Thy name. Father my prayer is that please take me safely to New York & back to Ghana. I pray for my Mother, my sister, her husband and children. I pray for protection for myself and my family. Please Jehovah protect Nhyira, Nadom and Aseda from every evil agenda. Jehovah please help me to get my master's certificate. I thank You. I pray in Jesus's name. Amen

Janiffer from the United States

October 5 at 2:03 am
I'm asking that my Lord God Almighty please rebuke everything around that holds me back from serving Him and doing His complete will. In Jesus name

Rutty paul from Nigeria

October 5 at 1:29 am
Lord pls heal me n my household of every disease n make us whole, visit my country in 2019 elections there shall be no blood share, Pls Lord help me relocate to a new country with my brother n daughter, I join my faith with this walls of Grace let Grace find me n favour me n keep me alive so I can be a living testimony, Amen.

Diane from the United Kingdom

October 5 at 1:22 am
Could Zero and Husha mines be sold by Christmas and the Lord open the which ever door he choose workwise for me. May God bless Isarel and protect Jerusalem.

Chinyere from Nigeria

October 5 at 1:17 am
Pls Dear God come n heal me of any kind of disease in my kidney n my brother, bring me close to u n keep me under ur care, help me to find my dreams, heal my country, there shall be no blood shed in the upcoming elections 2019,let there be peace n restoration, help to relocate to a new country with my brother n daughter, so we can have a better life, Pls don't let me see shame n reproach, let my enemies not triumph over me. Amen

Toleetha from the United States

October 5 at 12:44 am
I ask you Lord to. Keep my family in good health and ask you Lord to let me lean on you to take away my burdens for me to see my family through our financial depression and I know only you can see things in a better situation Amen .

Sarah from Singapore

October 5 at 12:04 am
Shalom Shalom, Jerusalem. Grace Grace, heavenly, new Jerusalem. May the hope of glory, Christ Jesus Himself, shines through His believers daily, now and always, and our worlds be saturated with His glories and bursting lights of hope, now, always and forever, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Hallelujah. 🌈😊 May the hope in us be His burning, blazing and roaring flames of fire, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Hallelujah. 🔥 GOD bless His beloved people. Amen. Hallelujah.

Mr. Binu Daniel from India

October 5 at 12:01 am
Dear Father, May the grace of the Lord Jesus , the Love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with me and my family and my generation to come for ever and ever. May you be our shepherd for ever and ever, Our King, our Lord, our Redeemer, our Strength, Let us only boast in your Name , the Name above every Name. Maker of Heaven and Earth our provider we adore you, praise you, worship you, honour you . Have mercy Father in the Name of Jesus. Amen

MIKHAIL Samuel from the United States

October 4 at 11:54 pm
LORD the lord of lords and kings of kings i praise u and worship you Master Forgive my sins and restore each and everything that was taken away from me my marriage my finances Lord bring my wife back to me. LORD touch her right now that she may return to me as i await for her Lord all things are possible to you. Lord i pray for my family keep them secured and healthy to grow into your kingdom. As we wait upon your coming help us as we not fall into sin. And bind every sinful nature from our life. That v may not sin anymore. Lord help me to obey your kingdom rules and help me to do your will and not mine lord i obey ur commands and help me lord Lord bless me abudantly that the world may now how my Lord is with his children Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit to do ur works Lord help me oh lord help me for i know that i am chosen by you. And I believe my prayers and heard by you oh father

Francisca from the United States

October 4 at 11:31 pm
Our Father who art in Heaven. The creator of heaven and earth. Who knows all things. I ask you Father to forgive me for all the debts that, I have caused against you or others. Please be with me and my family and guide us to walk according your ways and not our own ways everyday. If it is good with you grant us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your ways so we may worship you with all of our strenght, heart and mind. I thank you for being a wonderful Father, creator and provider. We will always love you...In Jesus name Amen...

William from Vanuatu

October 4 at 10:50 pm
I prayed for me and my wife marriage life, health and job also for my kids education. Protect us from all harm and danger and find favor in us. To the glory of our Lord and Savior. Amen

Rosemarie King from the United States

October 4 at 10:33 pm
Praying for peace in your country as well as the United States of America. Prayers for our President Donald Trump.please pray my Son Michael gets delivered from mental illness and that there will be a united peace in my family which has been torn apart.prayer for the ones who killed my grandson to come forth with the truth in Jesus precious and holy name ,amen and amen..

Dana from the United States

October 4 at 10:25 pm
Please pray that God will remove me from a toxic unhealthy environment/relationship & place me around fellow Christians that will lift me up & encourage me. To open doors of opportunity to meet like minded entrepreneurs to start my own business and reach financial independence. I rebuke the Devil & his falsehoods! Amen

Tsanta from Madagascar

October 4 at 9:39 pm
Eternel Toi qui est si Grand, que ton règne vienne. Bénis Israël, le pays de nos ancêtres. Aie pitié de mon pays Madagascar. Je prie pour les membres de ma famille, ma belle-famille et sutrout pour mon fiancé, pour que chacun reconnaisse ton Saint Nom YHVH et te suive de tout son coeur. Seigneur, Tu connais chacune de mes pensées, ma détresse et les problèmes que je ne peux exprimer, aie pitié de moi et montre-moi chaque jour ta bonté. Amein

Ann from the United States

October 4 at 9:38 pm
Prayer for Andrew that he would have a revelation of Jesus Christ and surrender his life and be healed Physically, emotionally and spiritually. That our relationship would Be restored God willing

Terri from the United States

October 4 at 9:04 pm
I suffer from PTSD due to MST. Two week ago i told my boyfriend of 17 months that I've been suicidal. Teo days later he broke up. I love this man with all my heart. I believe he is afraid of my PTSD and doesn't understand it. I pray that he be able to understand it and return to me and love me eventhough I am broken. Amen

priyanka from India

October 4 at 8:59 pm
praise the lord.. am looking for a job and on sunday am going to appear for government job examination, kindly, please pray for me to get the job and be blessed.

Janet from the United States

October 4 at 8:52 pm
Heavenly Father, I pray for an amazing trip that will allow our relationship to grow more deeply. I also pray for peace in the Middle East. God bless my family and friends. May they be richly blessed with joy, peace, good health and finances. Love you sweet Jesus.

Omoniyi from Nigeria

October 4 at 8:33 pm
I pray for my self and my family from Nigeria that God should end poverty and joblessness in my life for his glory and also pls Lord show me your way and teach me how to serve you more in peace in Jesus name... I pray also for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel let the glory of God shine.

Omoniyi from Nigeria

October 4 at 8:21 pm
Please pray for me and my family from Nigeria that God should fill us with his will, wisdom to prosper Grace to know him more, and affliction will end in Jesus name and there will be total restoration there will be no more poverty and delays in my family any more in Jesus name. The peace of the Lord and the peace of Jerusalem will locate me and my family and country forever more... also pray that God will direct my part to his way and I shall be bless in Jesus name. And that God should help me with a better job for his glory... and I pray for that God will put laughter in the mouths of Jerusalem and Israel in Jesus name Amen.

Mary from the United States

October 4 at 8:08 pm
Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, you can do all things!  Lord, please bless my family with peace, joy, good health, and lead them to the gift of your salvation through Jesus Christ.  We love you, Lord.  Our lives are in your all powerful, loving hands.  Please be merciful to us, Lord, though we don’t deserve it.  And, please, Lord, help our country.  In your precious name I pray. Amen.

Jasmine from the United States

October 4 at 8:07 pm
Lord I need prayer for an answer for my disability before December ends and my husband needs a good job during the day Monday through Friday Saturdays and Sundays off but during the day salvation for my son David and forgot to heal him from bipolar and schizophrenia for my granddaughter and tell for her salvation protection over my family

Cynthia from the United States

October 4 at 7:59 pm
Lord I pray the prayer of Jabez.  Bless me Lord, Bless me indeed. Do something So Big in my life that it’s obviously from you Lord. Increase my influences and opportunities for you Lord and keep me from falling into Satan’s trap.  Bring back your Joy, peace, strength and boldness to me.  Help me stand on your word and 

naveed pitras from Pakistan

October 4 at 7:52 pm
میں خداوند یسوع میسع کی شکرگزاری کرتا ھوں کہاس نے میر ے جاب کا آڈ ٹ کلیر کروایا آمین

Jasmine from the United States

October 4 at 7:50 pm
Need prayer for an answer for my disability I'm having a lot of problems with my knees and I need to know that they approve as soon as they can but them to say yes and for my husband to get a better job with more money during day hours.Monday through Fridays and having Saturdays and Sundays off with better pay and for our finances so we can pay our bills on time and for my children my son David for him for God to help my son David that he can seek God and give his heart totally to the Lord my granddaughter Shantel for herself for her salvation.

Cynthia from the United States

October 4 at 7:46 pm
I pray for my daughter Andria.  God heal her from all emotional pain she has experienced due to the divorce my husband and i  are going through. Divorce is pending because he has stopped talking to his attorney to move on. So, divorce is pending. The lies and affairs my husband did with other women to me and to family, God heal me and children from the pain and distrust.  God reveal to me all the truth I need to know of all he has done to tell my attorney.  Bring justicefor me and my children on all he and the women did in breaking up my marriage of 26 years and the pain my children experienced.  God, give me and my children peace and strength.  

Amala dass. S from India

October 4 at 7:40 pm
Please pray for job to my daughter and son in law also for her safe delivery. My son is now 30+ yet marriage is not fixed. Kindly pray his marriage with pious bride.

Joshua from Nigeria

October 4 at 7:23 pm
Dear Lord please restore all the glory that I have lost and fight my battles for me. In your mercy let me recover all that the enemy has stolen from me. Give me strength to remain faithful and let my star arise and shine. Amen

Cynthia from the United States

October 4 at 7:21 pm
I pray for my son Ernest Reed. Pray that God will give him wisdom, knowledge and guidance on beginning his studies in College of Dentistry.  God remove all the people who are sent from the enemy to destroy his God given destiny. Place a supernatural protection over him wherever he goes.  Reveal your love  to him when he is overwhelmed and discouraged and replace it with your peace a confidence. Keep him health and strong physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  In all his businessness, Lord surround him with Godly people.

debora from the United States

October 4 at 7:19 pm
Lord, thank you for your blessings and your protection. Thank you for protecting our nations. Thank you, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.

roxana jennifer mejia garcia from Ecuador

October 4 at 7:14 pm
ruego a Dios desde Ecuador-Guayaquil que tenga misericordia por todos nosotros y nos de la paz que necesitamos. Ruego que bendiga y proteja siempre al pueblo judio, al pueblo de Israel la niña de sus ojos...Dios quiera algun dia pueda pisar Jerusalem la tierra santa, donde estubo mi amado Señor Jesucristo el mesias EL SALVADOR mi salvador...Amen

VAHID KHOSRAVI from the United States

October 4 at 6:44 pm
I really need you to pray for me Healing, protection, plentiful provision, and a prosperous pathway,His hand guide me in this next stage of my life. I got back pain . can you please pray for it as well God bless you

Joanne Lorette from the United States

October 4 at 6:19 pm
Dear Lord, Please heal, deliver, protect, and wholly restore my son Michael. Deliver him from evil, establish your perfect plan in his life. Open his eyes and heart to your son Jesus. In Jesus name receive this mother's prayer. Thank you Lord!❤

Sheila from the United States

October 4 at 5:53 pm
In the name of Yashua, I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and that the Holy City of God will not be divided. I pray that Wisdom, Understanding and the mind of God will be bestowed upon Benjamin Netanyahu. And I pray that the Kingdom of God will come and replace the Kingdoms of this world. Praise Be Unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

SHEILA from the United States

October 4 at 5:40 pm
In the name of Yashua, I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and that the Holy City of God will not be divided. I pray that Wisdom, Understanding and the mind of God will be bestowed upon Benjamin Netanyahu. And I pray that the Kingdom of God will come and replace the Kingdoms of this world. Praise Be Unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

lyn maureen from Philippines

October 4 at 5:33 pm
please pray for me, to have smooth process in my annulment case against my evil husband, for us to be able to be free from his reach and contrilol and torment, and that he will not hurt me and my children. I wish to live in Israel someday, its the safest place I know I can be with my children against my husband...we are all under psychological and emotional trauma right now. Thank you so much, shalom !

valerie from the United States

October 4 at 5:25 pm
dear GOD,please protect israel and all jews bless them as only u can. i pray for peace of all. please restore family love and health. we need financial blessings and the destruction of all diseases.bind the devil and all his evil helpers. prtect us from the enemies that wish us harm. in Jesus name i pray.

Lillian rager from the United States

October 4 at 5:25 pm
Please please pray for my Julia granddaughter she is on a trip at the beach and going to stay a week pray for protection and safe keeping and travel MURCY and bring back home safe please thank You God Bless you 

Patti Carter from the United States

October 4 at 4:57 pm
I am asking Jesus for the salvation of my father, Donald Paradis. Also salvation for my son Brian Carter, and my granddaughter Alisa Paradis. Bring them into the the family of God so that we all may enjoy eternity together. Thank you Lord. Patti

Priscilla from the United States

October 4 at 4:53 pm
Father in the name of Jesus you know what needs this sister stands in need of so father I ask in Jesus name that you would supply her every need and restore unto her and her daughter total restoration of healing in their bodies in Jesus mighty name amen.

Beatrice Montes from the United States

October 4 at 4:50 pm
Jesus thank you for your love grace mercy and favor over are life’s .Lord touch are Land and people we want to worship you in spirit and truth. Protect us Lord . 🙏🏼🇮🇱👑

Jack from the United States

October 4 at 4:47 pm
 Please dear God please give Essie and I good health I’m not feeling very well god my feet my feet are burning insert for me to walk I love you so much God I pray every day he’s got a witness for us just give us enough to good health please God amen 

Shanna from the United States

October 4 at 4:46 pm
Lord heal me from this cancer I was recently diagnosed with. Be with the doctors as they choose the right treatment plan, that the side effects from the chemo won't be bad and that this all will go by quickly! Im going to need your strength Lord and use me and this cancer to bring glory to your kingdom! My hope and healing is in you Lord.

Sarin Vijay from India

October 4 at 4:46 pm
Please for me and my wife sudha. Pray for gift of womb in our life. Pray for my PhD completion. Pray for my wife's government job. Pray for our both families.

Lori from the United States

October 4 at 4:45 pm
God please watch over my family and forgive me of my sin.  Guide Kimber and save her life from drug and alcohol ,men .Bring us ALL PEACE Amen.

Maritza from the United States

October 4 at 4:41 pm
Please pray that my children and I be blessed financially, mentally physically, emotionally and spiritually. May I have full health restoration.  Thank you. God bless you🙏🏻

Janice from the United States

October 4 at 4:37 pm
Please pray for the safety of Israel. Pray for the widows and orphans world wide. Pray for drug addicts to get the help they need. Pray for us sinners. Pray for our President Trump.

claudia from Ghana

October 4 at 4:33 pm
I pray for God's your divine favor and grace in my life and Henry's. Good health, job, marriage and a possitive turn around in our finances. God please let your grace and favor be on my children, their father, and Henry's children. Bless my relationship with Henry and let this end up in a beautiful marriage. Please bless my parent with good health and long life. Let your grace and favor also be with my siblings and their families. Amen

Akpu from Nigeria

October 4 at 4:30 pm
As Jerusalem prosper even over her enemies I pray the church in Nigeria even right in plateau state we will experience the peace and joy of the Lord Jesus. That God will give comfort to the family of the recent killings in the state of Plateau.

Lara from the United States

October 4 at 4:29 pm
Dear God please help me I need to feel your love grace holy spirit your nourishing support flowing within me again. Please remove all the evil black magic thick spelled energies that Sai Temple of Spiritual Healing and associate s put within and all over me. Please remove it from me and any other victims. Please make him stop abusing me and all terrorist activities. Thank you so much. I love you.

Laura from the United States

October 4 at 4:28 pm
I pray for good results when I have my back surgery on November 12th - also prayers for safety and good health for all my family . Also I pray for peace in Jerusalem and for all of Israel -Amen 

Lara from the United States

October 4 at 4:25 pm
Dear God please stop Sathya Sai baba international corporation and all initiates from abusing torturing mutilating making people sick on purpose mysterious murders sexual assaultsmass suicides faked for taking over money accounts land possessions vibronics radionics artificial intelligence programs robotics computers programmed to kill Remote Neural Monitoring synthetic telepathy used to torture or kill

Lara from the United States

October 4 at 4:24 pm
Dear God I want you to stop Sathya Sai baba international corporation and Sai Temple of Spiritual Healing corporation owners Francis Campone Rupal Patel Campone Wei Peng Esther Lui and associates to stop abusing harrasing stalking spying electrocuting mutilating torturing sexual assault making people sick on purpose stealing money all terrorism activities to me, my family, animals and other victims. Use of artificial intelligence programs on computers and devices robotics used to spy torture kill.

LA from the United States

October 4 at 4:23 pm
Please hear our prayers Lord for our daughter Christina. Heal her from her health issues. Touch her in the way that only she will know that it was you.  Provide us a way to be financially blessed.  

Elaine from the United States

October 4 at 4:23 pm
Pray for spiritual breakthrough..from torment..I'm in Canada. Healing deliverance jesus stripes I'm healed. Pray for hubby herb to be delivered from alcoholism.

Sandra from Philippines

October 4 at 4:18 pm
Please pray for our family that we unite again that all of us maybe humble and accepts and forgives the faults of others. Pray for us also that my daughter in law humble herself and accepts her fault.

Lara from the United States

October 4 at 4:18 pm
Dear God I want you to stop Sathya Sai baba international corporation and Sa Temple of Spiritual Healing corporation owners Francis Campone Rupal Patel Campone Wei Peng Esther Lui and associates to stop abusing harrasing stalking spying electrocuting mutilating torturing sexual assault making people sick on purpose stealing money all terrorism activities to me, my family, animals and other victims.

Sonya from the United States

October 4 at 4:16 pm
I’m praying for a husband and a financial blessings to allow me to change jobs from a factory job that beats up my body to a job in vocational ministry 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.