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Bobbie from the United States

October 4 at 1:57 pm
Dear Lord, please be with Judge Cavanaughand help him to become a Supreme Court Justice so that he can help make America great again and return to you.  Amen

Edwina from France

October 4 at 1:56 pm
Need prayers for deliverance of fear, anxiety, stress, to rebuild my spiritual life, cause i keep falling into the same sin over and over again (sexual sins ).it doesnot matter how much i pray or fast, I keep falling and i desperately need To get out of this. Also to be debt free and for my son kerry's salvation. Please help

Norma from the United States

October 4 at 1:56 pm
Prayers for Israel and prayers for my children and my great grandchildren and grandchildren. Please bring my sons mental health and physical health back. Watch over my husband and myself and my church. In Jesus name I pray. Help America 

Vickie from the United States

October 4 at 1:56 pm
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou has enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. The Lord has heard my request; the Lord will receive my prayer. In the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of the Lord most high, give me favor, fruits of your Spirit and peace. Thank you Lord and Bless your Holy Name. 

Yokasta from the United States

October 4 at 1:56 pm
Please pray for my health, my marriage, my husband, Benjamin, our four daughters: Sarai Tiffany Abigail and Bethany. For the salvation of our family and the peace for Jerusalem. 

Cheryl from the United States

October 4 at 1:56 pm
Lord I pray for our nation to come together and start serving you again as it should be. Lord I pray for peace in Jerusalem .let the world know that you are God. Mighty King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. We praise your precious name Jesus. Amen.

Rebecca Morrill from the United States

October 4 at 1:55 pm
Lord, open my husband's eyes to your presense and warm his heart to your love, that he may take joy in your love and power and glorify you throughout eternity. To you, Lord, be all glory and power. Amen

Wanda from the United States

October 4 at 1:55 pm
Dear lord in heaven. Please send your healing prayers to my daughter. She is in need of them. Blessed be the name of the lord God jesus name i pray amen

India from the United States

October 4 at 1:55 pm
Please pray that God would heal me and make me whole, that He would bless me with a decent income. Double what I used to make either from a great job or my own business. I also pray that I would recover all thats been lost, spiritually, physically and financially. Lastly, please pray that God would bless my sister Teisha and her husband with the twins they desire. Thank you and Amen.

Janice Brown from the United States

October 4 at 1:54 pm
My nephew Mike Rhoden needs a healing miracle. He had a stroke recently leaving him with legs that don’t work properly, legally blind in both eyes and tumor in his lungs. He worked for the railroad and just needs a healing miracle. He also has faith and is in good spirits. Also Ed Knight has been diagnosed with lung cancer, has faith.

Johnnie from the United States

October 4 at 1:53 pm
Please pray for Blake and Daniel and Stacy and John and Kristy and my whole family to be healed and restored! Stacy and John and Daniel to be able to move home for good! A financial miracle for all of us.

Carolyn from the United States

October 4 at 1:53 pm
I pray for healing for my sister in law, Frances. She did not get a good diagnosis from her doctors. She has cancer in various places in her body. I believe God can heal her, I pray He will if it is His will. I pray for strength for her husband, sons and grandchildren and other family members. I also ask the Lord to heal me of my infirmities. I need His help. In His name I pray, Carolyn

Linda from the United States

October 4 at 1:51 pm
My sons have horrid thoughts of me. They blame me for the separation and divorce of their dad and I. He was abusing them. I had to get them away. But they are angry at me.

Agango from Kenya

October 4 at 1:51 pm
Pray for my family (brothers & sisters) as we sell a family property left to us by our parents as a means to solve financial difficulties facing us. May the Lord's guidance prevail and guide us so that this action be a blessing of peace , timely help for now and future generations of our family and others whom the Lord will lead us to interact with who will be in need. Amen

Vijay Singh from India

October 4 at 1:50 pm
Please pray for me and my family we are in deep financial and physical &mental problems we have loan and me & my wife suffering from many disease our children not in our control my business is not doing well please pray for prosperity and physical & mental health we soon outcome in these situations in living and true God name amen

Janet from the United States

October 4 at 1:50 pm
please pray for my family, my husband struggles with alcohol and while he is a fine man, father and husband, we need help with this ongoing struggle. 

Susan from the United States

October 4 at 1:48 pm
Please pray for Barbara and Clint. My Mom and Dad are in their 90's and they need so much help and attention. They both have dementia and are not very happy. Dad is mean and does not want to do what he is asked to do. Please pray for God's peace to come upon them and their emotions. Blessings and many thanks!

Peggy from the United States

October 4 at 1:48 pm
Father God, please heal my torn up soul!! So many physical problems with no end in sight. I’ve begun to loose hope. Please restore unto me the joy of thy salvation & uphold me with your free Spirit! In Jesus Name!

Sandra from the United States

October 4 at 1:47 pm
Dear Heavenly Father I pray for our world leaders to hear Your voice and to listen to Your words. I pray that they will do Your will for Your people. I pray that You will guide them Thank you Oh Heavenly Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ Amen

Letitia from Zimbabwe

October 4 at 1:47 pm
Healing for my mother, restoration of my parent's marriage.My own marriage to come as I am 30 years old now.To get a good job.To get direction in my life from God

Cynthia from the United States

October 4 at 1:46 pm
God please help my son Christopher find a wife the serves you above all and I pray that he will be vindicated in court on October 16th!!!!! God I pray for our nation and president I pray for me and all my finances an I pray for my EPE that I will get a raise and an outstanding evaluation. I pray for my brother Rene healing of cancer and my Fad heart valve muscles healing too. God make a miracle in their lives I Jesus Name!!!! Amen!!!!

Natalya Rotz from the United States

October 4 at 1:46 pm
I pray for the salvation of all my family.  Also I pray for my country to be peaceful and not so divided.  Praise the Lord for all our blessings

Ross Linda Rhodes from the United States

October 4 at 1:45 pm
Please pray for a complete and whole healing of cancerous tumors in the stomach and liver for my daughter Theresa Flores and that her chemo is successful with no side effects because she’s already gone thru surgery and had a complete hysterectomy and we are all heartbroken that more cancerous tumors have come up and the dr days no surgery or anything except chemo for the rest of her life but I know Hod has a plan and a future for her to be healthy and full of life for her to complete her destiny, thank you for your prayers and Praise Hod Almighty Yahweh Elohim for answered prayers, AMEN AND AMEN, Glory Hallelujah.

Yvonne Kube from the United States

October 4 at 1:43 pm
Please pray for healing for my son David, who is suffering from  Crohn's disease . Healing prayers also for myself. Having pains on The right side of my body. Prayers for health and protection for my family. Also for my daughter and her unborn child. Thank you🙏🏽

Rebecca from the United States

October 4 at 1:43 pm
Father God I pay for healing for myself, my family and my friends and those I have never met in the healing blood of Jesus. I also pray for the healing of my country and all the countries of the world taking the hatred of Satan and bringing us the peace of our Lord. I also ask for financial healing and for the strength of my love to heal the one I love and bring us together for the rest of our lives. I ask these things in Jesus's name. Amen.

Jackie from the United States

October 4 at 1:42 pm
Dear Heavenly Father I pray for our United States. We need you so badly. I pray for your guidance. I also want to pray for me and my daughter that we will become friends and pray that my granddaughter will no longer have her health issues. In Jesus' name I pray.

Anne from the United States

October 4 at 1:41 pm
I pray that got will restore and vindicate Judge Brett Kavanaugh and that he will be our next Supreme Court Justice and I pray for his wife and children and his other families that they will not be scared from all these evil events 

Debbie from the United States

October 4 at 1:41 pm
Lord plz heal Christian's & CEM's asthma. I claim Nahum 1:9. Lord You know every cell in my body that needs healing. I reach to touch the hem of Your robe for complete healing. You are my praise!!

Mazincia Blanc from the United States

October 4 at 1:40 pm
I pray that God United Mazincia Blanc and Nessely Florvilus in marriage union forever. I pray for peace in our family I pray that God blessed us financially. For our business to prosper. God please grant us favor. I pray for my children Deena Ductant, Deon Ductant, Arness Florvilus, Amorie Florvilus. I pray God for my family to have a closer relationship with you our heavenly father.

Amber from the United States

October 4 at 1:38 pm
I pray that me and my family get closer and love one another like a family should me and my husband love each other once again and that my kids stay on the right path and out of trouble and stay doing good in School and also I hope and pray I get my certification in CMA also my license !!! And thT I’m passing my class !!

Treena from the United Kingdom

October 4 at 1:38 pm
Pray for a proper love relationship blossoms between J & I pray things really start moving forward between us pray they no longer stall but sky rocket pray for peace amongst the nation's

John from the United States

October 4 at 1:37 pm
Please pray for the United States. Evil forces are trying to destroy her. Also that the ties between Israel and the USA will be strengthen and peace will come again to both countries.

Alcenia Deshazer from the United States

October 4 at 1:37 pm
My prayer Request, for God to bless me and my children with a home to live in, bless hope for 2 morrow Empowerment center and bless my finances with overflow, to do the work of the kingdom.

Kim from the United States

October 4 at 1:37 pm
Lord, please bring my children, Daniel, Rachael, Crystal, Lara, Trishelle, Michael, Bryan and Amanda, to you. Please open the eyes & ears of their hearts so they can hear you and see you. Please sever all relationships that are a hindrance to them living the destiny you have called them to live and please bring about those relationships that will lead them to you and keep them in relationship with you. Lord, please bless my grandchildren, Aubree, Brayden, Aviana, Andrea, Andrew, Jayden & Dillon, anoint them, raise them up and use them for your glory every day of their life. I thank you that me, and my house, will serve you. I thank you that your promises are true. I thank you that you are a good God and you are our God. In Jesus name I pray.

Sonya from the United States

October 4 at 1:37 pm
Please pray that Yeshua will bless us with a beautiful baby boy soon. Please pray for God's purposes to be fulfilled in my husband's and my life. Please pray for the salvation of each and every one of our family members to receive salvation through Jesus Christ and come into right relationship with God. Please pray for our financial provision. 

Naira from the United Kingdom

October 4 at 1:36 pm
Please pray for my twin children and my future child who is in my womb that baby will be born with good heart and brain and NO disability in him/her. also pray for my high sugar levels in my blood that it wont effect on baby in womb. amen

RoselleAdams from the United States

October 4 at 1:36 pm
Praying for the tribes to be reunited. Praying for peace for Israel and Jews everywhere. I'm thankful for Israel and her people. May God strpngly bless them.

Treena from the United Kingdom

October 4 at 1:34 pm
Hey please pray my boss Jason Bonas decides to stay at Vision labs & pray also for a better relationship friendship between us God bless all

Carol from the United States

October 4 at 1:32 pm
I pray for world peace. I pray the haters will leave our president and his family alone. I also pray for all the hate in America to stop.

Diane masteantonio from the United States

October 4 at 1:32 pm
 Precious lord Heal my granddaughter Julianna and please restore the relationship between my two kids and their families and fall left them all serve you and love you and see where you all the days of their life in Jesus’s name

Mangala Dutt from the United States

October 4 at 10:24 am
FAATHER GOD, fill me with Your HOLY SPIRITand use me for Your kingdom. In JESUS's mighty name i pray and ask🙏🙏🙏 Amen

Holy Psalm91KM &F&F&HBE from the United States

October 4 at 9:33 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 HolyRevealtions19;16 Holy Revelations 5 :5 Maple Plain Community Church, Maple Plain Community, Maple Plain ,MN,55364

Holy Psalm91KM&F&F&HBE from the United States

October 4 at 9:29 am
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 Holy Revelations 19;16 Holy Luke10:19to20 Maple Plain Community Church Holy Jesus will and ideas in Holy Jesus Name Holy Amen

William from the United States

October 4 at 8:42 am
Yahweh, I pray for Spiritual revival in America - a true 3rd Great Awakening - and let it begin with me! Let our hearts be quickened and cut to remove all the impurities, and turn away from false gods and idols. Help us to experience true repentance and make Yeshua HaMoshea our Lord and God! I ask that the blood of Christ, our Redemer, pour out on us and purify and cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness and heal us from sin. Forgive us oh God and deliver us from the evil that we deserve. Let your Light shine in us, through us, and on us once again!

naveed pitras from Pakistan

October 4 at 8:29 am
میں خداوند یسوع میسع کی شکرگزاری کرتا ھوں کہاس نے میر ے جاب کا آڈ ٹ کلیر کروایا آمین

Holy Psalm91KathrynMIller from the United States

October 4 at 8:18 am
Holy Psalm24 Hlypsalm91 HolyRevelations19;16 KathrynMiller safety in Ministry and other activities .612-251-2818Holy Donations to KathrynMIller2020 Commerce BLVD#300 Mound Mn Cowboy for ChristMemeber581 60 Holy Bibles It is based out of Fort Worth TX HolyNeeds met to get Holy were Jesus loves in Fullness there of With Holy Balance in Holy JesusName Holy Amen

Mary from the United States

October 4 at 8:18 am
Good morning my heavenly Father.i come to you asking for favor for me and deanna.if you find it your heart please blessus financially in your mighty name amen.thank you Jesus

Olivia from the United States

October 4 at 6:30 am
I pray that keep my focus on God and keep at my pursuit to know Jesus more. Also, after two miscarriages, I pray for God to open my womb once more so that I will have a successful, healthy third child. I pray for my health and for a full term baby.

F from the United States

October 4 at 5:41 am
Thank You Heaven Father, Abba, for so many opportunities You have provided for healing and connection to Your divine love and Spirit. I don’t know to say rightly I want to honor You-I give You the lie that it will alawys be disappointing. How long oh Lord with the evil one triumph? How long will He steal, kill, and destroy? How long will I forget Your Victories and the triumph of Your love. It is happening-it’s seems so far off. Please continue the good work You began in my heart! Oh Lord thank You for Your patience and mercy and love and especially that Your not mad at me! All sin and your wrath was poured out on Jesus at the cross! It was enough-complete and finished. All You have now are eyes of love and compassion. Thank You. This love if my heart were on would cause weeping. I want to weep for Your kindness and love- to break for Your sweetness and grace over me. Oh Lord open the floodgates and send Your cleansing river to wash my soul. For Love For Relationships For Family Amen 

D. Anil babu from the United States

October 4 at 5:28 am
Oh my heavenly god. I'm a sinner, forgive me god.. I'm suffering from dengerious dieses.. Please save me please cure me please help me please bless me and my family... If u cure me I never leave u and also I will living for u..! Forgive God and cure me God... Give me good feuiture for me... In the name of jesus Amen

D. Anil babu from the United States

October 4 at 5:16 am
Oh my isreal god....!! I'm a big sinner Please forgive my sins..! I'm suffering from disease..! If u cure me I never leave u god.. Please save me please cure me please forgive me please help me... Please bless me and my family... I want your help god.. Please god I'm begging u please

D. Anil babu from the United States

October 4 at 4:56 am
I'm a sinner... I'm unhealthy right now god punished me.... So please prayer for me...and forgive me to God.... Please prayer for curing and good health condition.. I'm suffering from disease I'm now finala stage... I believed Israel God... So please prayer for me... And also bless for my family...... God for give me..!!

D. Anil babu from the United States

October 4 at 4:51 am
I'm a sinner... I'm unhealthy right now god punished me.... So please prayer for me...and forgive me to God.... Please prayer for curing and good health condition.. I'm suffering from disease I'm now finala stage... I believed Israel God... So please prayer for me... And also bless for my family

Denise Nunley from the United States

October 4 at 4:28 am
Dear Heavenly Father, 🙋🏼‍♀️ 🤟🏼....Thank you Lord for all of your blessings and all the love and patience you have for mankind.Thank you for shedding your blood for All. Thank you for your grace and mercy for all. Pray for people and peace all over the world. Pray for U.S. of America and President Donald Trump and his family and leaders all over the world. Pray for all the children, elderly, the helpless, and challenged COMFORT my mother and bring her PEACE and JOY. My daughters and my grandchildren,  brother and his family, my sister and her family .  The DIVISION OF MY FAMILY. GOOD HEALTH for ALL. Tell my children, Dad , Kevin,all my relatives I love and miss them.  Pour out your Holy Spirit for revival because I know our time is short.  Come Quickly Lord Jesus!  I love you, there is no one above you. All Glory be to God. 😘🤗❤️

eddie from South Africa

October 4 at 3:01 am
Lord please step in and save Donovans marriage. Let there be love and peace in his home and bring a change in his wifes behaviour and thoughts.

naveed pitras from Pakistan

October 3 at 10:37 pm
AMEEN pary far my fhmliy and jobs sepasliy pastor saheed gill stomec porablams shkeel anjum aqeel anjum zonear naveed jomela naveed kaleem khokhar mosa doad soleman abnear my homs and dokan dr sahzad bhser shoket bhaser sh usman sh aseed dukan jal de khliy kary ameen g. s.b.t.h all staf and kmsmc all stafs

Maria from the United States

October 3 at 10:30 pm
Hello I just met John who has a wife and a 7 month old son. They need your prayers asap. Wife is injured, car is broken and towed, John's job is on hold,the baby is need of more food and diapers.john is a jack of all trades. He is kinda new in town. I have given him tons of resources and outreach many people who will help. I asked you now for prayers. John is in need of a new car, established his business,people who can call him for service, plenty of help for his family. Please pray tons for him and his family.


October 3 at 10:13 pm
ELOHIN, inclino mi ser delante de tu Soberanía y Poder, solamente para clamar a tu NOMBRE que derrames bendiciones sobre todo ISRAEL, sobre sus tierras, sus pertenencias, sus animales, sus cosechas, sus trabajos, sobre sus rios, lagos, manantiales y lagos, bendice a cada ISRAELITA que se encuentre adentro o fuera de ISRAEL. Lleva pronto Tu Paz sobre ISRAEL y sus enemigos. Sabes que AMO a ISRAEL y deseo que se haga TU voluntad en ISRAEL, asi como en el CIELO.

Rebecca Olivas from the United States

October 3 at 10:12 pm
My Lord first of all I want to thank you for always being with us for protecting us & for all your blessings. Father in this prayer I want to ask you to please heal my sister Melina who at 32 year's old was diagnosed with breast Cancer this year April 2018. Father you know her heart her needs. Please comfort her give her strength during this hard moments of her life for her faith to grow stronger in you each & every day. I also pray for the peace of Jerusalem. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen🙏🙏

Sonya from the United States

October 3 at 8:55 pm
I pray for my very sick husband Lev son of Bailable for his full recovery. I’m asking Asher do grant him life for the sake of our children who deeply love him!  I pray for my children Arthur and Joseph sons of Hays Sosia to grant them with health, happiness and luck for many many years ahead. G-d bless Israel and our people !

Mary from the United States

October 3 at 7:42 pm
Praying for salvation for my son Brian  & to marry a Christian wife. My other son Anthony to lead his family as a Godly man and for my grand grandchildren Cole & Grace for Gods protection & salvation & Christians spouses & salvation for daughter in law Kristia and my entire family.  Favor and Blessings on me and my family.  Praise and thanks to Christ Jesus

Stephanie from the United States

October 3 at 7:23 pm
I pray for my mother Alicia. She's been hospitalized because of a stroke in June and has been in hospital for 4 months. I pray that the Lord Heals and restores her body completely ! Every Bone muscle and joint comes back  That she can pass her swallow evaluation so she can eat normally again and the doctors can take out her tracheotomy at last. That her bladder no longer retains urine so we can take the catheter out and take my mom home.

Stephanie from the United States

October 3 at 7:13 pm
My Family and I pray The Lord heals my mother Alicia and restores her body to health completely from the stroke she had in June! That she is able to pass her swallow evaluation, so she can eat again normally and by passing the test the doctors can finally take out her tracheotomy ! That she can walk , sit up and move independently like before. And that she does not retain urine in her bladder anymore so we can take the catheter out and take her home. She's been hospitalized for 4 months. We are a family of believers and we know God is our healer! With God all things are possible! We Thank Him in advance for everything he is doing in my mom situation!

Jery from the United States

October 3 at 7:07 pm
Dear Friends Please agree with me for the total healing and fast restoration and salvation of my father Nick May the Lord richly bless you as you continue to serve Him In Him :Jery

Annie Lim from the United States

October 3 at 7:02 pm
God Almighty Our Loving Father please grant us your love and protection every moment of our life especially our family and friends and those we pray for daily including our pets. Thank You God for everything.❤️❤️❤️

Netzaj from the United States

October 3 at 5:08 pm
Please Oh my Creator. Listen the words of my heart..all day long I think of you..Thanks Lord to make true my wishes..thanks Lord because my property is sold so I can be with my family

Jacob from the United States

October 3 at 3:38 pm
Prayers for leaders in government that they may have the discernment to govern according to God's will, and also prayers that the nation of Israel will experience peace and prosperity, for they are God's chosen people to bring light to the rest of the world. Amen

Kimberly’s Dad from the United States

October 3 at 2:40 pm
I pray for my friend Kim’s father because he’s having heath trouble. Please heal him and help him regain his strength. Amen. 

Susan and Pini from the United States

October 3 at 2:38 pm
Please pray for us (Pini and Susan) in Las Vegas. Pray that our future child will be blessed and will be born blessed with 10 finger and 10 toes and in good health. ❤️👶

Aya Yamanaka from the United States

October 3 at 2:15 pm
Please pray for peace treaty come between Israelites & Palestinians. Please cleanse the ancient hardened jealous envious sin hearts of Palestinians & Jewish nation & gentile governments. Please bring peace & unending unconditional love & forgiving hearts & repentance to God by individual heart of person. Please fill this 1st earth with love & peace like peaceful spring water. Let all this earth shall be fill be filled with the glory of the Lord. Amen.

Aya Yamanaka from the United States

October 3 at 2:07 pm
Please faithfully pray for the peace of Jerusalem Israel & salvation for everyone hearts become soften & faithful in Adonai. I pray for salvation come by the Holy Spirit to all the Israelites people of ancient & old& new generation & all gentile nation who has faith in Adonai. Gratitude to Passover blood sacrifice of Yeshua HaMaschiach son of Father YHWH. Please pray for salvation of Japanese people & American people, may the power of  Holy Spirit help them open  their eyes of heart & soul. Rebuke the hardened hearts of nation & love one another as Adonai 1st loved us all. Please pray to REBUKE the wicked power of selfish inconsiderate hateful Sin power that carelessly starts spiritual hardship problems, rebuke the satanic attacks & rebuke the SIN that starts natural disaster & flood tears & flesh pain & suffering & sickness& loneliness& mental disorder, ptsd, schizophrenia,  hunger & thirst & anger & to Noah’s wild animals, human flesh, subconscious mind, blood, DNA. please. Shalom. 

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.