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Susan and Pini from the United States

October 3 at 2:38 pm
Please pray for us (Pini and Susan) in Las Vegas. Pray that our future child will be blessed and will be born blessed with 10 finger and 10 toes and in good health. ❤️👶

Aya Yamanaka from the United States

October 3 at 2:15 pm
Please pray for peace treaty come between Israelites & Palestinians. Please cleanse the ancient hardened jealous envious sin hearts of Palestinians & Jewish nation & gentile governments. Please bring peace & unending unconditional love & forgiving hearts & repentance to God by individual heart of person. Please fill this 1st earth with love & peace like peaceful spring water. Let all this earth shall be fill be filled with the glory of the Lord. Amen.

Aya Yamanaka from the United States

October 3 at 2:07 pm
Please faithfully pray for the peace of Jerusalem Israel & salvation for everyone hearts become soften & faithful in Adonai. I pray for salvation come by the Holy Spirit to all the Israelites people of ancient & old& new generation & all gentile nation who has faith in Adonai. Gratitude to Passover blood sacrifice of Yeshua HaMaschiach son of Father YHWH. Please pray for salvation of Japanese people & American people, may the power of  Holy Spirit help them open  their eyes of heart & soul. Rebuke the hardened hearts of nation & love one another as Adonai 1st loved us all. Please pray to REBUKE the wicked power of selfish inconsiderate hateful Sin power that carelessly starts spiritual hardship problems, rebuke the satanic attacks & rebuke the SIN that starts natural disaster & flood tears & flesh pain & suffering & sickness& loneliness& mental disorder, ptsd, schizophrenia,  hunger & thirst & anger & to Noah’s wild animals, human flesh, subconscious mind, blood, DNA. please. Shalom. 

Holy Psalm91KathrynMIllerUSA M from the United States

October 3 at 1:13 pm
Holy Psalm24 Holy Psalm91 Holy Revealtions19:16 Holy Revelations5:5 Holy Luke10;19to20 HolyRomans8:34 Holy safety KathrynMiller Cowboys for Christ member 581 ,2020 commerce Blvd mound Mn 55364 USA donations ( 612-251-2818 tex or call if needed )getting to her Ministry and future and equally yoked home Her Horses of future Holy Psalm91 HolyHebrews12:29 and Safety of Family and Friends Holy Busy Enemies Holy Jesus Name HolyAmen

pastor chris wyse from Cambodia

October 3 at 12:39 pm
i want YWHW to increase me in the vision of prophecy, power of instant healing and his grace to be more obedience to his work and I want him to enlarge my coast then open financial doors for me let me be debt free and let all my project be completed this year with divine speed

Darren from the United States

October 3 at 12:15 pm
Father God, I pray for wisdom, strength and courage to do your will. I also pray for all the sick and elderly. Father bless Isreal and keep your people safe. Also bless the United States. In your precious name I ask these things. Amen

Toni from the United States

October 3 at 12:01 pm
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, would you please bless me with a large financial windfall? I am in deep trouble financially and could use a very good paying job you have given me the talents to do. Guide me Lord and show me favor..thank you and In the Name of Jesus..AMEN>

Cynd01 from the United States

October 3 at 11:59 am
Please pray for my job EPE for excellent reviews and from all the departments I oversee with a raise  and favor for my son Chris and vindication in court!!!!

Toni from the United States

October 3 at 11:53 am
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus would you please bless me with a large financial windfall so I can pay my bills. Bless me with a great paying job. I am alone and desperately need your favor and blessings. In the Name of Jesus..Amen!

Toni & Nakla from the United States

October 3 at 11:45 am
Thank you lord Jesus 2016 is our due season. Toni/Nakia Adams, this is our year to live the life of abundance, prosperity, and success. We are the heads and not the tails, we are lenders and not borrowers. We are blessed and highly favored, we are great entrepreneurs. Our bank accounts are so large we didn't see that coming. Our health is so great, we didn't see that coming. Our family and friends are healthy and whole we didn't see that coming, thank you Lord Jesus year 2016 is going to be one awesome year in Jesus name Amen, Amen, Amen, Hallelujah is the highest praise                                       Toni/Nakia Adams  You may have a situation you’ve been praying about for a long time that doesn’t look like it’s ever going to change. You could easily get discouraged and just accept it, but you need to get ready. You’re entering into a “due season” year, where unexpectedly, you’re going to see things change in our favor.

Berneta from Columbus, Ohio from the United States

October 3 at 11:25 am
Father I ask/pray that you strengthen the family unit, mend broken relationships, marriages, and give all governmental leaders in the four corners of the world the will/desire to promote peace! I continue to pray for world peace and human kindness among your human creation! Bless my family and loved ones with mental/physical and emotional health well being...bless their spiritual and Christian walk Father God . I ask/pray in your mighty name that the hungry be fed and the homeless find shelter. Heal the sick Father God! I pray that I be rid of this physical pain throughout my body and that I live my remaining years in peace and in the comfort of my home. I pray for the salvation of those who do not have a personal relationship with you and I am praying for Jerusalem! Bless the people who are continuing the "great commission" and I pray that your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Blessed be the name of the Lord! This is my prayer....Thank you Father!

Carolyn from the United States

October 3 at 10:42 am
Attacks on my family in finances and health.  Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.  Please pray as I need a major breakthrough!

ROSALIND from India

October 3 at 8:32 am
Lord have mercy ,don't forget me Lord ,been waiting a long long time for your mercy n grace .for house hold salvation ,for spiritual growth and for provision.Thank you in advance Lord in Yeshuva's mighty name Amen

Karen from the United States

October 3 at 7:58 am
Pray for Gods Divine intervention in Joshua Reed’s life for a physical miracle healing his body from cancer, his salvation thru accepting Christ & full custody of his sons to him & his parents 🙏🏻

Arais Gomez from the United States

October 3 at 7:47 am
My prayer request is that God help me follow His perfect and amazing will that He has set for my life and the lives of my children. Also for my husband Adrian who knows of Christ but is apart from The Lords ways. Prayers for my marriage which has been a mess for a few years, will be greatly appreciated. For my beloved parents who love the Lord unconditionally. May the Lord restore their strength and give them energy and maintain their health. For this nation, the USA, may it return to the Lords ways. For Israel, blessed be The nation of Israel. For our president Trump who the Lord has placed in presidency for a reason. May God have mercy on this world. He is returning soon. Thank you! 

Michelle from the United States

October 3 at 5:43 am
  I ask you father in the name of Jesus that you restore our family, you know all that has happened to us . To  many words to put on paper.  thank you for hearing my prayer Lord  in Jesus name  Amen

Taryn Hager from the United States

October 3 at 5:22 am
I pray for the USA and for the President. I pray for the protection of Israel and for the Jewish people -- I pray for my health and my marriage. I also pray for my family, my children and for my husband to get a better job (for financial and job security) Amen

Florence Pillai and Immanuel from the United States

October 3 at 4:12 am
I have just lost a job but the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ went for an interview at Texila Medical University on Friday. I have yet to hear from them. I am 47 years old trying to give s decent education and roof for my 12 year old son Immanuel Moses and myself over the past 13 years since my divorce. The hostel owner where we have been staying and paying our rent for 20 months.has cut off our room electricity and is constantly harassing us to leave without a balance he owes us of Rs 6800 and also the receipts for the 20 months rent. We are looking out for other options and can shift only when my salary is credited by the online company I work for which is in Dubai. We are facing challenge after challenge with so many against my progress in this new city of Coimbatore where I have been battling to keep jobs. Please pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will deal with the wickedness of the hostel owner and we will get a nice place and job without it disturbing my son's education. Thanks

Gail from the United States

October 3 at 12:39 am
God’s Everlasting Blessing on his Beloved ISRAEL ! Bless our enemies , Thank You for everything you have done and will do in Jesus Name Amen

Gloria from the United States

October 2 at 10:20 pm
Dear Father blessed be your sovereign name, may the children of the Lord, be blessed going out and going in, with divine encounters, my prayers for hope to be stretched across the land, throughout the hills, over the mountains, deep into the sea, higher than the heavens and down into the valleys where Jesus is already ready to meet us to increase our faith. Where happiness flows like springs of living water in the desert....and an oasis of joy IS a jewel in the crown of the KING. May we be alert for opportunity to witness and minister in Jesus name and glory to God forever . Psalms 119:5

lenora from the United States

October 2 at 10:15 pm
Please keep my Nation in prayer my President Donald J Trump and his family and close circle , also Diamond and Silk and Judge Kavanaugh. Our Nation is under attack

Jim from the United States

October 2 at 10:15 pm
A Ministry called Spread The Gospel is coming to Jerusalem for the work of feeding the poor and and Spreading The Gospel to all who is thirsty for the good news. Prayer is needed for this to happen which is being done as we speak, but I need your prayers as well. God is no respecter of person, if not us then someone else will. May "The Lord Bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

john from the United States

October 2 at 10:09 pm
Pray me and my ex-girlfriend get back together and fall back in love with each other and she understands I would do anything for her and treat her like she deserves to be treated.

john from the United States

October 2 at 10:06 pm
Soften the one I loves heart and help her see I love her and want to be her one and only true love. We are best friends and I would help her reach her goals, partner with her as a parent to her children, support her in any way and treat her the way a husband should treat a wife. Move us closer together in love so we get engaged and live happily ever after in romance.

Joseph Paul from India

October 2 at 10:06 pm
I am appearing for an examination for a promotion . Pray for getting through the examination and getting a promotion (to become the Principal of a School)

kumaravel from India

October 2 at 9:38 pm
THE LORD SHALL GREATLY BLESS THE . [ Deut 15 . 5 ] GRACE PRAYER TEAM PADANTHALUMOODU . My Ministry Divine blessing, Extension & Divine protection , God’s open new door. Family members spiritual life growth. [ Divine prosperity, Extension & Divine joy ] Omana, 7 years stroke [Soul, Mind, Body Divine healing & divine fire anointing. Good eye sight , Finance problem . [Heart , Head & Brain blood good circulation] [Divine long life & Divine peace ] Prasannal , Divine blessing & divine protection , Fire anointing. Mary Divine blessing, Job promotion, Divine blessing, protection. Finance problem John , Suni, Abija [ REUNION] Divine unity , Music team Divine blessing. Extension. Prasadh, Kanakam, Asish, Blessy [ Family divine protection] [ finance problem ] Prasadh job divine blessing,[SENIORITY 36 THIRTY SIX YEARS SERVICE TWO ADVANCE Promotion , INCRCEMENT, good salary , Divine blessing & divine protection , BENEFITS, AL

naveed pitras from Pakistan

October 2 at 8:33 pm
میں شکرگژاری کرتا ھوںI thank thank you that the Lord Jesus MESSA made me difficult. Amen کہ خداوند یسوع میسع نے مجھے مشکل سےنجات رھایء دی آمین

tieri from the United States

October 2 at 6:43 pm
Lord God our heavenly Father thank you so much for the loverly life you have given me and my family ,we asked you dear Lord to bless our family especially for the struggle we face every day help us with our court case for the house in Raiwai and help me Father God for my application (mini bus permit) and ,help my kids for their school work and help me dear Lord Jesus to be a good father ,and lead me not into temptation and help my wife in her work,we ask in Jesus name I pray. amen ...thank you Lord God....

Siona from Australia

October 2 at 6:29 pm
Please pray for my Children Abraham, Joshua, Shalom n Daniel that God touches there Hearts and use them mighty with the Anointing on their lives for his glory.

Mina from USA from the United States

October 2 at 6:26 pm
Please pray for my complete healing from several medical diagnosis as well as the finances to continue to live in my home, find another job if necessary and try my best to please Him. I pray the Lord will hear my prayer and grant me the miracle to live a long and healthy life and lead me to the path I am supposed to be on. I thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on me and am very grateful for my children and grandchildren. I just want to be around to see them all grow. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers. In Jesus name I pray Amen

Siona from Australia

October 2 at 6:23 pm
Please pray that God will Release miracles, souls, and healing in our church in this month of October. Prayer that the Anointing will manifest in the greater dimension in our Sunday service. Pray for open heaven on our church that people will come to church and receive Jesus and serve him in his church.

Ayesha from Canada

October 2 at 6:11 pm
HaShem Melech HaShem Malach HaShem Yimlo Leolam Vaed. May HaShem be very kind to bless my family and give fruition to all my hard work so that the work of my hands gain success b'ezrat HaShem. Amein.

Mina from USA from the United States

October 2 at 6:06 pm
Dear Lord, Please hear my prayer. I pray for relief from the diagnosis that I have received. I humbly ask for complete healing from all of my medical issues. I pray for renewed health, renewed financial ability and to be surrounded by family and friends. I pray for protection and blessings for my family and friends. I also pray for Bessie to be fully recovered from all of her ailments. I pray for my friends going through their own trials to be relieved and peace be returned to them and their families. I pray for peace to return to Israel and her faithful. I also pray for our out of control society to come back to family values and faith. Thank you for hearing my prayers Lord. Peace be to Israel. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Glenda from the United States

October 2 at 5:41 pm
Hi, my name is Glenda. I am suffering from a genetic neurogenerative disease. Can no longer go up stairs, or walk more than a few feet. Losing eyesight also.

Eric from the United States

October 2 at 5:37 pm
WE pray in agreement that the fornication spirit leave this house, finances be settled, a means of transportation be obtained for easier way to travel and to move into a safer/cleaner place. IN Jesus name, AMEN

Eric from the United States

October 2 at 5:31 pm
Prayers for the fornication spirit to leave my household. For finances to be settled, a new place to live that is safer and a means of transportation be obtained for easier way to travel, In Jesus precious & Holy name, AMEN!

Jeffrey Harris from the United States

October 2 at 4:16 pm
Hashem, help me continue to heal from cancer. I desire to visit Israel in 2020, help me make that happen. Also let David come to you. I give you thanks for everything in my life.

gjr from the United States

October 2 at 3:38 pm
Dear Lord, my prayers are for divine encounters, going out blessed and going in blessed, prayers for my hope to be stretched across the land, throughout the hills, over the mountains, deeper than the sea, higher than the horizon and into the valleys where Jesus is ready to meet me to increase my faith; where happiness flows like springs of living water in the desert....and joy is a jewel in Your crown. Help me be alert for opportunity to witness and minister to someone who needs a word from God, intervention in and out prophetic activation in Jesus name and glory forever to the Father in heaven. Amen.

Janet from the United States

October 2 at 3:00 pm
Please add my sons and their families to your prayers. One for deliverance from the strongholds of drugs, alcohol, mental illness & jail. Both for them to see Jesus clearly. Thank you. 

Janet from the United States

October 2 at 2:55 pm
Please pray God heals my son who needs deliverance from anger, illegal drug, alcohol and mental disorders strongholds. He is currently in jail on a federal charge that needs to be cleared up.  He is delusional and paranoid. He’s also a veteran that held down a well paying job for 18 years and raised a family until he had an emotional breakdown in 2014. Thank you Lord and saints!  God bless all. 

Sally from the United States

October 2 at 1:28 pm
Please pray for Renee and her family, protect them from the stings of wasps and the suffering of poverty and grant that the weather may be generous to the garden and purposes of feeding her family.

LASHEA K. RICHARDSON from the United States

October 2 at 1:19 pm
God please forgive me for all my sins. Cast me not away from your presence O Lord. God please pour out your hedge of protection and plead the blood of Jesus over Me, My husband, My children , my grandchildren. God please pour out your spirit on us, open up our eyes and ears. Any thing that is not of you Lord, remove it from us, Please God. Create in me a clean Heart and right spirit. Please bless Israel, America and send your angels to guide, keep and protect us. I love you Lord. In Jesus name..Amen

Veronica Juan from the United States

October 2 at 12:55 pm
Please pray for me to get knowledge and wisdom. I want the Holy Spirit. Also pray for my health, my safety, I need to buy a place/a house pray that I find the right place. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen

Ronald from the United States

October 2 at 12:32 pm
Dear Lord, I have been fighting sinus infection and Polyps for sometime now and I have lost my sense of smell and taste over all of this. I pray Lord that you touch me and make this go away. By your stripes we are healed. I believe and have faith. Thank you for your healing. Amen

Marie from the United States

October 2 at 12:10 pm
Oh lord my God I cryed unto you and thou hast healed us. Lord save and fill my children and grands with your spirit. Bring deliverance To my family. Bless me and my children and grands financial that we may be a blessing to others. Let my family love you Jesus with all our heart, soul and mind. Bless Jerusalem peace dear Lord. Light a fire in my hearts family for Christ. Bless Denise and Diana, bless the works of their hands. Lord let us stand for truth of the word of God, let us live holy, and make us lights that we may draw all men to you dear father. Give my family and friends your power,wisdom,understanding and knowledge...In Jesus name amen.

Ronald from the United States

October 2 at 12:10 pm
I ask you Lord to guide me and give me direction in your will. You have given me an amazing gift of piano. I want to do what is right. Thank you, I believe in the power of prayer. AMEN

Ron from the United States

October 2 at 12:02 pm
Our heavenly Father, Thank you for the wonderful gift of music on the piano. I know you have taught me to play your music for others, Help me and guide me to follow your will in my life in making the right decisions. I love you. A Men

Ron from the United States

October 2 at 11:59 am
Dear Lord, Please help us with our interior design store. Lord we ask you to bring the flow of people in. Please guide and help Mark in what he needs to do. We are in desperate times. I know you can answer our prayers. In your holy name AMEN.

Frimpong Kodua from Ghana

October 2 at 11:36 am
Almighty God forgive me my sins. I pray that my promotion at Controller and Accountant- General's Department (after my dismissal) is used as a contact to reinstate me at Controller and Accountant General's Department. Or I get a decent job capable of helping take care of my family. Lord thy will be done. Amen!

Deepak Kapoor from India

October 2 at 11:08 am
We are looking settlement in abroad and having problem in present job, my mother ,father my uncle rajkumar my complete family need good health me and my wife priyali desperstly waiting from last 7 years God's fruit....please prayer for our spritually, healhiest life and stability in career

BLESSING OBANOR from the United States

October 2 at 10:19 am
I've been married for 7 years and I'm still believing God for the fruit of the womb. please pray for me and my husband that God will give us children of our own. Please also pray for us that God will keep us in good health and give us financial stability in our home. For a long time now I've been having this constant headache pains all over, fear of death, please pray that God will heal me and take away the spirit of fear so that I'll be able to go to church and also go to work. Thank you.

Rhonda Wilson from the United States

October 2 at 10:07 am
Prayer Warriors ... Praying for healing restoration for my family. Asking for a miracle to restore family unity heal relationships. Asking for to bless us to pray together a closer walk with thee. Asking my son Chris get full custody of my grandson Rusty that he be removed from the custody of his mother and the environment he is in... That any demonic entities that are coming against me or my son and family and generations back and forwardI declare in Jesus name be gone... my health of my one kidney be as if functioning as two kidneys... that I am healed from head to toe... that the man GOD has for me to marry will come into my life before years end... that I will and my son and his family will be propsperous in our finances, our home life... our marriage, as a parent, grandparent that the children and grandchildren will be filled with the holy spirit and follow GOD all our lives. That I move forward now in the calling GOD has for my life and I will have the means to do so...

Marci from the United States

October 2 at 9:20 am
My father is a 90-year-old World War II veteran who was incarcerated in a dementia unit by my step-brother, who has strong connections with the administration there. My real brother and I are trying to get our Dad into a better place, but we are not wealthy, and our step-brother is trying to cut us out of Dad's life altogether. Please pray for us, that we may find the way to rescue our father and get him somewhere that he can live out his life in peace, with the love of his children around him.

Kellie Piasentin from the United States

October 2 at 9:13 am
My daughter ran away from home because she was enticed by an older man she was 16 he was 23. That she wail live a godly life and come away from him and his family

DEBBY Richards from South Africa

October 2 at 8:55 am
Father,Saviour Thank you for everything Lord God, pls help me help others and keep me humble. Lord bless everyone who is trying to stay good in these perilous times. May we meet with you or Father soon. PraiseYour HolyName! Amen!!!

Leila O’Shea from the United States

October 2 at 8:13 am
Dear Lord in the Most High, Intercede in my son’s life and turn him around . Remove his anger, confusion and pain. Put him on the right track, again. In Jesus ‘ name I pray! Please heal my sister-in-law, Ann and get her back home!  Thank you!

Janis nogle from the United States

October 2 at 7:29 am
Dear God ,,,, ,,I LOVE you with ALL MY HEART. ,,,,,,,I pray you will bring my family to you ,,,,,,,and keep.them safe from all harm ,,,,,,,,,save them Lord,,,,,,,,,,they need you ,,,,,,,,in Jesus name I pray ,,,AMEN

Vivian from the United States

October 2 at 7:02 am
Please pray with me concerning financial breakthrough for my family and the ministry. God bless you 

Ada from Nigeria

October 2 at 6:47 am
Brethren, please pray for me that God will stop all delays I face especially in marriage, let God bring my God given partner and settle me in marriage in Jesus name

Ruth from the United States

October 2 at 6:41 am
Please pray for James, Sherri, Jason, Amanda and Ruth for complete healing.  Please bring our children back to the Lord. Amen. Thank you and God bless you and Jerusalem.

Akinlolu Ajadi from the United States

October 2 at 6:10 am
Good morning God's people, Please pray for me, things are just not working our for me. No good job, i cant good care of family.

Rhodna from the United States

October 2 at 5:46 am
Please pray for me I have not felt good for a while now, back pain and body aches and need dental work. Also pray for my husband he has been upset all the time lately and down and has back pain from injuries from many years ago. Also please pray for our president and brent Kavanaugh to get through to the supreme court. In jesus name amen.

Jim from the United States

October 2 at 5:16 am
Lord I pray for peace for Jerusalem. I pray for all leaders around the world especially President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Lord, I pray for my brother Mike who suffered a stroke. Please help him with speedy recover. I also pray for my son that you would open the eyes of his heart to your marvelous and comforting light and presence. Praise the name of Yeshua.

Woodrow campbell from the United States

October 2 at 5:16 am
Heavenly HaShem bless your people Israel and give them peace. Bless them to rebuild the temple so as to facilitate your return.  Please forgive my household of our sins and bless us individually and collectively. Remember my children, Lord fulfill the meanings of their names. Bless Zion oil and Gas that they can fulfill the work they are doing on behalf of your people. I commend all humanity into your Hands, amen 

Pradeep kumar from the United States

October 2 at 3:49 am
Jesus iam sinner..please forgive my sins..Jesus I don't ask u anything be it done to me according to ur plan.give gud health to all the people in this world.heel the the poor n me Jesus in what I do thank u Jesus for every thing what u HV given me amen

Sharen from Australia

October 2 at 3:44 am
Favor and victory for my son ,Yash for his court case tomorrow- 3/10/18. Full time work for Yash and Prashant Prasad. To be debt free this year!! 

Victoria Masi Haruna from the United States

October 2 at 2:00 am
I desire that the senate will favour my two childrens result so that they allow them graduate this year without retaking any of the papers since it is only one paper. Also, I want to a higher paid job. I want to live disease free life in Jesus name I pray that God will keep my entire family safe. I also desire prayers for the health of my husband and open doors for he has been out of job for almost 24yrs now. I want an open door to visit Isreal. Thanks

Dennis Adieme from Nigeria

October 2 at 1:53 am
Seeking for revival of the Holy Spirit in my life, home and everything about my family. Thanking God also for His promises to me. Thanking God for making manifest His word concerning my son. Seeking for direction to restore what the enemy has stolen from me and also for God to fulfil and honor His words concerning me and my family.

Prateek Masih from the United States

October 2 at 1:49 am
Please pray for me..I am suffering from joints pain since 4 years...Pray for my healing and for protection and guidance for my family.

APRIL from the United States

October 2 at 1:43 am
Prayer for God's hedge of protection around me , my children and my grandson. Prayer for Gods favor and blessings on me and my children. Prayer for God to bless me with finances to get my roof fixed & yard cut & floors repair. Prayer for God to bless us with new furniture, bedroom sets, for me to lose weight, ans be successful in achieving my weightloss goal, prayer for healing with me and all my children, Prayer for Gods deliverance and Holy anointed Archangels to protect me and my children and grandson & fight our battles. Prayer for God's presence, power, anointing, peace & glory in us, our homes, cars, lands, schools, jobs, property, neighborhoods, and dreams in Jesus Christ Name

APRIL from the United States

October 2 at 1:34 am
Prayer for our home to be dedicated to God, with God’s presence, peace & anointing & blessings and protection because I am a doer of His word and a child of God. Prayer for protection for me and all of my children & grandson, prayer for my son Steven to stop getting bullied at First Ward school & prayer for God to protect my son from ungodly staff workers, teachers & students that are persecuting him, Prayer for God to save all of my children & fill them with the Holy Ghost & help them live the life He has predestined for them to live. Father, I place my cares about my loved ones into Your hands. Thank You for loving them more than I ever can, and for sending Your Son Jesus to die for us all, so that we can receive eternal life. Make Your love and presence real to my loved ones right where they are, and by Your Holy Spirit, convict every unbelieving heart of Your love for them. Open their eyes to see Your loveliness, and their hearts to hear and believe the gospel. In Jesus’ name, Amen

APRIL from the United States

October 2 at 1:20 am
“Father, I’m asking You to send laborers across April, Gabriel, Lamontriel, LaDextrius, Neshun, & Steven ’s path, laborers who are equipped with the Word of God about salvation, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance. Send laborers who can communicate effectively with April, Gabriel, Lamontriel, LaDextrius, Neshun, & Steven so Your Word can reach his/her heart.” “Father, I come before You in prayer and in faith, believing. Your Word says You desire all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth, so I bring April, Gabriel, Lamontriel, LaDextrius, Neshun, & Steven before You this day. “I break the power of Satan from his assignments and activities in April, Gabriel, Lamontriel, LaDextrius, Neshun, & Steven ’s life in the Name of Jesus. Now, while Satan is bound, I ask that You send forth the perfect laborers to share the good news of the gospel in such a way that they will listen and understand it. As the truth is ministered, I

Christian from the United States

October 2 at 1:15 am
Prayer for the Lord to send His judgement on Robert Dupree, Sr. This man is an unsaved pastor that has been married 4 times. He was divorced in 2016, remarried in 2017 divorced in 2018 & already has numerous woman that is has an affair with, including long distance relationships. He has no members but is using his church to bribe women in relationships and money to use for his very own exspenses. He has deceived many people and has spoken curses on people. Pray for God's judgment to be sent against his adulterous, false prophet ways so that he can stop misleading women in Little Rock, Arkansas for sex and money.

Melvin from the United States

October 2 at 1:00 am
May the God Almighty continue to protect Israel against all their enemies and help me and my family truely know Jesus Christ and worship Him forever.

nn from Indonesia

October 2 at 12:05 am
please pray for Damianus aditya christie and myself. I have been waiting for reconciliation and to forgive each other, peaces for me and him, I have been struggling with pain. You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, in suffering and disappointments. I come with a broken heart, my life is ruin, nothing gonna be the same again. please pity me Father, please soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can't touch his heart, i know that prayer is a powerful thing. Without Your graces, we cannot accomplish anything. only God can change people's hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. and if You don't want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterness. Teach me how to remain grateful, although this is the most difficult. teach me to love you more than anything. I really need a miracle

Catherine Majani from the United States

October 1 at 11:38 pm
I pray that the Lord will provide finances to enable me to attend my sons graduation which is in 2 weeks. Lord I pray for buyers of the homes we have developed in Jesus name.

Marilyn from the United States

October 1 at 10:59 pm
Prating for a breakthrough in my finances. Break every generation curse placed upon my life. Praying for excellent results in my exams

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.