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Girlie from Philippines

March 1 at 6:17 pm
I pray for my husband's promotion as 4th Engineer this March! May it be accellerated very soon. And may this become very very sure. And may this be protected and cannot be snatched by the enemy. Amen and amen!

Brian from the United States

March 1 at 6:15 pm
I have a young coworker his name is Josh and he has cancer and has to have chemo, he has a wife and young children. Please join me in praying for this precious young godly man and his family. I pray for God to touch his body and heal him from this terrible disease and comfort him and his family in their time of need, in Jesus name.

Gen from the United States

March 1 at 6:14 pm
Thank you my Yahovah Elohim for giving me and my family the gift of life! Help us to cleanse our hearts and minds as we celebrate Purim and prepare ourselves before the King. We also pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for my friend Michelle who is undergoing a difficult surgery--May your love surround her and her family. Amen. HalleluYah!!

Girlie from Philippines

March 1 at 6:13 pm
My son will be taking his fourth and last quarter exams for the school year in a big University here in the Philippines. I pray for a supernatural, extraordinary, great and mighty wisdom, intelligence, knowledge and skills to be upon him. That he will display God's excellence by having perfect scores, high grades and become an honor student. Amen and amen.

Dorita from the United States

March 1 at 6:12 pm
Please pray for my sister Linita's finances! She is in sales and a big storm is coming! Please pray the storm stays away! Please pray my sister and niece will mend fences soon! They are usually very close and this is hard on my sister. She is hurting.

Janis from the United States

March 1 at 6:11 pm
Heavenly Father I lift my Granddaughter Sharon Grace Long up to you asking for Healing of her body. I praise your Holy Name for holding our hands thru this horrible storm. She has just turned sixteen and she loves and believes you will heal her , so do I God. Thank you God for always being their for us. Thank you God for sending your only begotten Son, Jesus to save us from our sins. Amen

Janet from Australia

March 1 at 6:10 pm
Praise to The Lord for the protection of Israel. Praise to The Lord for the half of my family that walk with Jesus. May there be Breakthrough for the other half to be totally converted to full salvation with deliverance from addictions to total surrender making Jesus Christ the Only Lord of our lives.

Bee from the United States

March 1 at 6:08 pm
Praying for r to quit smoking. Praying for ger’s test tomorrow. Pray for A at day school to stay well. Pray for B to get well. Pray for s and r’s move . Pray m and I will stay well in mind spirit and body

Jenny from the United States

March 1 at 6:07 pm
Lord, I do pray for the peace of Israel. Surround her with your protection. Give wisdom to her leaders. Reveal the hidden plans of enemies before they happen. Pour out you spirit on her people and open theirs eyes to the Messiah.

Cindy from the United States

March 1 at 6:06 pm
I pray for all poor sinners to be saved. I pray for all souls in purgatory and all the innocence in this world. And I pray for peace in our country and in our world. And may Lou be healed of his cancer and his heart be made new and healthy and strong again. Amen.

Eunice from the United States

March 1 at 6:05 pm
God i believe on you and i will fell,protect me with all your power and guide in the time of trubble,give power to win all my enemies and for fill all my disare give more joy and happiness,bless my hustle more years and good health,thank you LORD for been with me always AMEN

Cheryl from the United States

March 1 at 6:00 pm
I pray for many family members and friends to be saved. I pray for healing of love ones. I pray God will meet our financial needs. I pray that I will always keep my eyes upon God and be ready at His coming. Amen and praise the Lord

Mary Alice Lopez from the United States

March 1 at 5:53 pm
Please dear Lord help me save my marriage my husband wants to leave me and says he doesn’t love me anymore please turn things around and make my marriage better than it was

Jason from the United States

March 1 at 5:51 pm
Needing to get out of debt. Not seeing relief anytime soon. Wisdom for budgeting, yes's be yes and no's no, other, coming up with plan, help from wise counsel, other income streams....

Judith from the United States

March 1 at 5:47 pm
Pray for peace and safety of Jerusalem and all of Israel. Praise Jehovah that He is in control, and never slumbers nor sleeps. Pray that my stepchildren will come to God. Pray for my physical healing and less pain. Love to Israel.

Alejandra from Guatemala

March 1 at 5:47 pm
I want to thank God for his love and mercy shown in my family's life and mine. Please pray for peace on Israel and Guatemala, for our president Jimmy Morales and all the people that belongs to his executive team. For a supernatural strength from our Lord to pass trough our battles as a family, glorifying God's Name all the time. That his Word can be written on our hearts and that it can become live experiences, not just theories. For my little sister's pregnancy and her spiritual relationship with God, that she can be set free from all weary. That God can be a provider for her husband and family. For my parent's health, taht they can be pulled closer to God with his wonderful love. For my older sister's future husband and their ministry, that God can reveal his will. For my life, my soul's healing from reject, my relationship with my boyfriend, that can be a beautiful testimony of the power and love of God. My boyfriend's relationship with God, that it can be deeper that it is now.

joseph from the United States

March 1 at 5:45 pm
thank you for all your help and blessings this week father God. please that my feet will not tingle anymore and my blood sugar stays normal and my anxiety, even though its muvh better now will subside in jesus name amen God bless you all for praying!!!

Juan Gutierrez from the United States

March 1 at 5:44 pm
Pray for me and all of my family that we all well come to know Jesus as our Savior pray for my personal problem that I am having For I know that Jesus is coming back and the know that the holy Spirt is my helping Pray for the lost for their is power in the Name of Jesus.

Sara from the United States

March 1 at 5:38 pm
I pray that my brother returns to the Lord Jesus & that love in my marriage is restored. Pease also pray for wisdom for our president & that America will continue to bless Israel. Thx

Tina from the United States

March 1 at 5:37 pm
I pray that God bless travis, to pay off bills in Jesus name. I asking for Kandis, ravis, trinity to get favor and stay on honoroll all year in Jesus name. I pray that God bless everyone with desires of there heart in Jesus name

Debbie from the United States

March 1 at 5:36 pm
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for All of my family to come to know YOU and to LOVE YOU.......and I pray for eternal life with YOU for "Everyone". In JESUS Precious name......Amen

Pam from the United States

March 1 at 5:36 pm
Lord bless my family this Purim.I pray that one day they may personally know Yahweh.I pray for my immediate family-esp my 2 lost adult children who remain feeling unloved & push me away whenever I try to speak to them about you.Right now, I am feeling so alone & alienated from them,even now as I beg YOU to pull me out of my feeling of hopelessness & loneliness.Thank YOU for your word and for eternal life that awaits believers.Send me Your Holy Spirit to heal my heart which feels heavy & burdened.Bless Your children,Lord.Bless America and Bless Israel. In Jesus’ Name!

Darren from the United States

March 1 at 5:33 pm
Our Father Who Art In heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. And give us this day Our daily bread, And forgive us our tresspasses As we forgive those who tresspass against us. And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil! Amen, The Lords Prayer

Jacqueline from the United States

March 1 at 5:33 pm
Satan seems to have a foothold in my home and certain members of my family. May the Blood of Jesus rid us of Satan and his demons. Lord Jesus Come Quickly

Beverly from the United States

March 1 at 5:29 pm
I pray that the Lord God of Israel will establish her borders and her capitol according to His will. As it was and is again, Jerusalem to help make Israel whole.

Pam from the United States

March 1 at 5:26 pm
My Sophia delivered from autism and autoimmune diseases. My brother needs a miracle healing of liver and kidneys. My family members that are still lost to receive salvation. Myself for divine destiny to unfold for me this year

Linda Vancleave from the United States

March 1 at 5:25 pm
Please pray for soul salvation for my entire family, my two sons Deon and Eric, my four grandchildren and my brothers and sisters in the Vancleave family. Also I am asking for prayer for all debt cancelled, job promotion, unexpected checks with my name on them. Large financial blessing. Miracles, healing, breakthrough and deliverance in my life and my two sons Deon and Eric lives.I pray for understanding and wisdom and knowledge to live holy and righteous before God Almighty, me and my entire family. I pray for a 5bdrm house in Indianapolis off of 21st Cumberland, But most of all to live in the presence of God Almighty and to feel his presence in my life. Amen Thank You

George Purvis from the United States

March 1 at 5:22 pm
May our Holy God forgive our sins and grant us world wide peace. Through Jesus Christ we submit our lives and offer our selves for his service!

Robert from the United Kingdom

March 1 at 5:20 pm
Father I thank you for the life of my mother who came to be with you on the 9th January 2018. I pray that the memory of her life and work will not cease but that it will increase to bless our lives as a family and others in their own lives and dreams. I pray for our family who are now seeking a new beginning in Christ especially my wife Florence and our baby Elyannah and we ask that she may have (a) baby brother(s) or sister(s) to walk with her in life . May you give us wisdom in all we do and may the blessings of psalm 23 be a reality for us as you fill our cup to overflowing with the blessings and anointing of ministry at St John's church in Stratford, East London where we will begin our curacy in July 2018 and over the next four years Amen

Rudy from Australia

March 1 at 5:19 pm
Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, I thank you for the life that you've given me and the ability to spread your love to my children, wife and people around me. Please send the Holy Spirit on me. I am so thankful for everything you do. Every single day of my life is especially beautiful as you allow me to open my eyes to see your marvellous. Lord Jesus Christ, please allow me and give me the strength to help people know more about you. Please Jesus I pray for the people in need of your love but also the blind in Spirit so that they realize how much you love and that while we were still sinners, you washed away our sins by dying on the cross. Please Jesus, guide me so that I can be closer to you. I pray for people of Israel during this period of purim and also for all the Christians oppressed. Please guide me to be closer to you Lord Jesus Christ. I praise you o Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dorita from the United States

March 1 at 5:17 pm
Please pray for my friends Ixa and Victor. He has cancer and is in a lot of pain! Please pray for them to stay strong and keep up the good fight. Father God Lord Jesus please heal Victor. He and Ixa love you so much! Please help them. Amen and Amen.

Franco E Ciccone from the United States

March 1 at 5:13 pm
Miracles, salvation for my entire family. May the Almighty graciously help me get my own home and fill my life with His shalom. Thank you.

Joy from the United States

March 1 at 5:13 pm
Blessed father forgive my ignorance in too many things. That I must constantly be reminded you have some purpose for me. It is hard to understand sometimes how you can possibly use me while I have spent so many years suffering with constant pain. Being the awesome God you are you found me this incredible prayer site, for just such a time as this. More it gives me great comfort that I can pray for my brothers and sisters going through similar trials. I also join them all in prayer for peace in Israel. God Bless You All!

Ana from the United States

March 1 at 5:13 pm
I have written a musical based completely on the Hebrew scriptures, that shares 137 of the Biblical prophecies that Yeshua fulfilled. The complete audio version is done. Now, I need to do the video. In order to do that, I had an art gallery. A "friend" and a woman who now calls herself an Apostle and Revelator out of Houston, has stolen there entire contents of my studio while I was in Ohio while my mom was very ill. I recently found out that she is also posting my songs from the musical on 6 different websites, saying the songs are hers and changing the titles. I need the Holy Spirit to lead me in what to do and how to stop her.

Filipinas Maucher from Germany

March 1 at 5:13 pm
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!! Godbless ISRAEL!!!! Please pray for my family Angelika Stanley and the 3 kid's Dave Selina and Noah may the wisdom of God will reign in they life ,salvation faith healing peace financial and may the power of the holy Spirit reign in they life for The glory of god,IN JESUS HOLY NAME !AMEN !! THANK YOU

Stephanie from the United States

March 1 at 5:09 pm
For my children to be God fearing and to seek him in everything they do. To allow YESHUA to shine thru them in all they say and do. For them to speak truth from the word in their life for others to see him thru them. And for me to be the mom that they need to be. Also that they will only see him as their father and not the man on earth that hasn’t been a Godly man in their lives.

Kevin from the United States

March 1 at 5:06 pm
Pray for peace in America and peace in Israel. Pray that God will help us overcome the evil forces that are continually attacking America, our President, the church and all institutions of Christian faith in America. Satan is desperately trying to destroy Christianity and the church in America and throughout the world. Please pray for the safety of Israel and its people also. May Jesus always be our strength as we face these evil forces!

Susan from the United States

March 1 at 4:58 pm
I am from New York. I pray that one day I will be able to go to Israel and visit the promised land, the FOZ Museum and all the prophetic sites.

Brigid from the United States

March 1 at 4:57 pm
Praise, glory and thanks be to God foremost and always! Almighty and All-knowing God grant us all mercy and protection, keep Satan and evil followers vanish from your world, render justice to safeguarded good God fearing people and punish all corrupt and evil doers who defy your existence and continue to harm your earthly families, I pray in Jesus name!

Karen from the United States

March 1 at 4:55 pm
Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for all your many blessings. I pray for my country and for Israel. I pray for protection for all of us. May we turn back to you. Please forgive us for where we fail thee and each other. I love thee and want to follow thee more. Please heal us in our bodies, minds and spirits, I pray this for my family. I pray for all who have come to thee with broken hearts. May we find peace. Thank you in Jesus name

Myrna from Canada

March 1 at 4:55 pm
Please pray for the salvation of my whole family and for restored relationships and for healing emotionally and physically for myself. My son has blocked me and won't talk to me or his family and my son in law (who is supposed to be a christian) has a hate for me and no forgiveness and is causing problems with our relationship with our daughter. It was a very nasty conversation and felt an attack was from the enemy. Also please pray for revival in our Alberta and our Canada. Please pray for my sister who lost her son by prescription overdose last month. He was 43 and there was so much family dynamics involved that my sister did not even go to the funeral as she couldn't have handled any more drama. Salvation is needed in her family as well. In both of our families we are tired and needing God to show up so that we may all know and fulfill our destiny in these last days. My heart is also that all our family will have a heart for Israel and it's people! Thank you!

Sheryle from the United States

March 1 at 4:55 pm
Please pray that Yeshua will be my Advocate against the evil army of the enemy of God, who is trying to block all of my blessings that are on its way. Pray for a case that has been opened since 2014 that the enemy and the elites has tried to block. I know that my Prayers will be answered when 2 or 3 or gathered together with faith to believe with me for my breakthrough. God Richly Bless Everyone Servant of The Most High God.

ML from the United States

March 1 at 4:53 pm
Prayers for all The Jewish people and all of Israel to prosper and be in God’s care. For all the Jewish people to know Jesus and His love as Messiah and Lord.

Evadney from the United States

March 1 at 4:52 pm
Financial problems, need favour with FEMA, promise to give help with septic tank., please pray for my health caring for my husband on dialysis .

Dora from the United States

March 1 at 4:49 pm
I pray for the Seven Spirits of Adonai to teach and train my ways that my time for the Kingdom may availeth much for time is short. I pray for my only son Eric (all I have) to truly love the Jewish people as God's elect. For his return to unity with a congregation that loves Israel, and return to passion worship of the Lord in spirit and in truth. Thank you, Shalom

Eve from the United States

March 1 at 4:48 pm
Please pray for Mark and Janet home, in financial problem.. Please pray for Leslie kidney problem. Please pray for Michael jr and Michael sr , need Gods favour and wisdom on their lives

Vanessa from the United States

March 1 at 4:47 pm
My son Jason for salvation, grand daughter Ava for healing from seizures, son John, for a loving caring relationship between us. My husband Jerry for healing of his body and healing of his heart for the loss of son, to know Adonai’s will for our future and to make the decisions according to his will. Healing of my back and the pain. Baruch atta Adonai, Eloheynu melech Ha’Olam. Asher natan Lanu devar Ha Chayim, Yeshua Ha Maschiach.

Dorothy from the United States

March 1 at 4:46 pm
my precious husband of 52 years died on january 4th 2018. There are no words to describe the pain and sorrow. will you pray for him to be at peace. I know he is wth the Lord. Thank you

Zioness-amaka Curry from the United Kingdom

March 1 at 4:46 pm
Elohim Almighty G-d, my father and my creator, I pray today that you will awaken the faith in me so that my life will be lived to bring glory and honour to your name. I also dedicate my offspring to your services LORD forever. LORD I pray for peace, love, compassion, tolerance, between the Jews, Arabs and all Gentile nations. May your will be accomplished in our Holy land - Israel LORD. I bring all these prayer in faith to you Hashem in the name of my LORD Yeshua HamaShiach. Amen 🙏🏼🇮🇱🙏🏼🇮🇱🙏🏼🇮🇱

Regina Subris from the United States

March 1 at 4:45 pm
March 10 we will reach out to people in a city. They think they know God but for real the do not know God at all. Please pray that we can bring the Kingdom of God to them in their understanding. Bring deliverance and healing most especially Salvation of Jesus.

Maria Maucher from Germany

March 1 at 4:37 pm
Pray for my family deliver and faith and debt financial and peace for Israel and my country Philippines and all familys love one another and all counrty peace love and unity. and reign all people the mercy and love of god and the power of the holy Spirit in Jesus holy name Amen.. THANK YOU!!!GODBLESS US..

LARSELLE ESTES SR. from the United States

March 1 at 4:37 pm

Mary from the United States

March 1 at 4:35 pm
Thank you Lord for the great job I cannot comprehend that you have in store for me! Thank you for sustaining me in the process of this very challenging time in my life. I want to rejoice and tell others of your greatness!

Virginia from the United States

March 1 at 4:33 pm
I would like to pray for our soldiers in Israel and surrounding areas that God will protected them and keep them safe from any harm and danger in this world. For my prayer request please pray for me and my friend, Mike that our relationship will be honored by God and our decision of marriage be what God wants for us both. Healings for Mike's back and stomach which is on-going pain for him. May God Bless, Virginia

Melody from the United States

March 1 at 4:33 pm
Prayers for good relationship between the US and Israel to continue and the US embassy be moved to Jerusalem. May the United States always bless Israel!!

RUTH Garcia from the United States

March 1 at 4:32 pm

Lucia from the United States

March 1 at 4:32 pm
YHVH, ONE & Only TRUE GOD! I PRAY for My Brother's & Sister's In Yisrael, for their Protection & Provision. For The Nations to REPENT & turn to YHVH. For My Adult Children: Marcus, Matthew, Ivana & Ariana. For My Grandchildren: Chloe, Bailey & Ephraim to know & LOVE Yeshua!

Daniel from the United States

March 1 at 4:31 pm
For me to trust God. To heal my family. To heal our souls. To bring my family back together. With friendship and love. Thank you. God bless you.

Jacqui from the United Kingdom

March 1 at 4:28 pm
Thank you Lord for our two miracles. And Lord I ask that you'll bless them with a revelation of who you are and who they are in You. Thank you .

sharalee marie shepherd from the United States

March 1 at 4:27 pm
A-ni kra-ti-cha chee ta-a-ne-ni EL hat oz-ne-cha lee she-ma eem -ra-ti. Ba-ruch A-do-nai tzu-ree ham-la-med ya-dai lak-rav etz be-o-tai-la-mil-cha-ma. selay AMEN.

Lynny from Australia

March 1 at 4:24 pm
ABBA PAPA, bless and keep Australia and may all Australians love YESHUA HA MOSHIACH and bless and stand up for Israel and say NO to antisemitism! Amen

Jackie Kiggundu from Ireland

March 1 at 4:21 pm
Pray for me and my husband to be Erias Mugisha of recent has been igniring me no communication. Pray for God’s divine intervention and for the planing of the wedding to be a success

Nicole from the United States

March 1 at 4:21 pm
Jesus please pray for the world's most evil times. May God's children All Creatures be in God's hands at all times. In Jesus name I pray. Please pray for my sisters children. Amen

Mary Warren from the United States

March 1 at 4:20 pm
Praise The Lord for all He has done for getting our family through a difficult month of flu and illness and for our wellness and keeping my our 95-year-old mother-in-law safe through some serious health issues and a month stay in hospital and rehab..THANK YOU for keeping me well to care for both she and my dear husband!

Jackie Kiggundu from Ireland

March 1 at 4:19 pm
Pray for me and my husband to be of recent has been igniring me no communication. Pray for God's divine intervention and for the planing of the wedding to be a success

Timothy Simandl from the United States

March 1 at 4:14 pm
May God deliver both Judaism and Christianity from the insidious forces of Greco-Roman paganism that have begun to insinuate themselves once again within both faiths. Torah explicitly spells out that the only proper sexual relationship is between a consenting man and woman--nothing else is permitted, as these other sexual relations are all abominations in the eyes of G-d.

prayers for son from the United States

March 1 at 3:34 pm
All praise and Glory to You Father for few responses from medical schools for my son, today. Holy Spirit fill the hearts and minds of the admission people with favor for my son. Especially AnnM who is responsible for sending dates for int, seat and admission. Let them send in the information soon. Equip my son with all that is needed for him to be prepared while interacting with the admission officers. Bless with admission soon and help us to get prepared to send him to this medical school in fall. Bless with an opportunity to come here to give my praise report to those who pray, In Jesus Mighty Name, I ask, receive and give thanks to Father, God for this favor for my son, Amen

Lonnie from the United States

March 1 at 1:19 pm
Im fixing to have to get rid of an employee, who is trying to destroy my company, i ask she leaves peacuful and i have no other doings with her ever In Jesus Name

Sheila from the United States

March 1 at 12:58 pm
Nathan, a very godly young man and on fire for the Lord has just been notified that he is losing his job, effective April 23, and he is also losing his girlfriend whom he thought would become his wife. Thank you for your prayers. Abundant blessings

Diamond from the United States

March 1 at 11:25 am
Hello please take some time to pray for me. I need prayer for healing of a disease that many suffer from but not all believe they can be healed from. I believe I can and will be healed and cured of all sickness & disease for the bible tells me so. I have been suffering from genital herpes disease but please hear me out, I was doing good things in my life were finally coming together and I haven't beeb with a man in about 2 years, So a few months ago I became lonely & started to feel like I needed someone there I thought it would be something real as I am a complete loner at the moment I dont even have family support so I met this guy and he seemed like a good guy he never once even told me he had herpes and he knew he had it the whole time, So he gave it to me and he did not even care so now I see how wrong I was to even had got involved with this guy but now I am in need of healing from herpes I need to be cured completely of this disease.

Ed Danza from the United States

March 1 at 8:37 am
for financial grace - I'm 2 months behind in rent and other outstanding bills, for a new job, for deliverance from anxiety, depression and all evil, for favor with my landlord, for peace of mind. Thank you.

David from the United States

March 1 at 6:56 am
Peace and safety for Israel and the Jewish people. End to abortion. Wife's upcoming surgery. Restoration of our marriage. Salvation of children and to be drawn closer to God. Smooth transition to new job and prayer to be able to handle new challenges it presents. Thank you, and God bless you.

Paul from the United States

March 1 at 5:43 am
I pray for Israel and the USA . And that and God provides President Trump with supernatural guidance to help make the right decisions to benefit the USA and Israel! I also pray that Satan be gone! Amen and amen!

F from the United States

March 1 at 3:57 am
May all Jerusalem and your chosen ones and everyone have a happy and colorful Purim! May we all feast and celebrate our rescue and redemption. What then enemy intended for harm; God intended for good. A beautiful flip-around in the story. Praise Jesus who was brought low to be raised to the highest heights! Worthy is the Lamb! Holy! Holy! Holy! Only Richeous One! Thank You for choosing me to be Your beloved. Now I belong to You! I open my heart and give it all to You-fill me with Your love over flowing! Sensitive, responsible, whole, secure in trust of Your love. I want to adore You ALL my days and gaze upon the face of my first love. Set my heart on fire and warm me in the Glory of Your presence. Make my face shine and glow with Your love and light and joy. For freedom! Those He has set free are free indeed! Set us free to know You as we are fully known! Amen

sophie from the United States

March 1 at 12:29 am
This is an emergency. please pray for my sister Emily for Lord Jesus to heal her stomach right now and deliver her from any pain or nausea she may have. Thank you for praying, God bless.

nn from Indonesia

February 28 at 11:42 pm
please intervene God. I'm hurt inside, i am so tired to cover everything by pretending and no matter how hard I pray nothing seems to be working, please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for me and him, I have been struggling with pain for the past 3 years. I know You knows my pain God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, Father you say, knock and the door will be opened to you. I come with a broken heart, I feel hopeless and emptyness. i depend on you and still hope, if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me, He means a lot to me. I really love him and disappointed to him at the same time. I can't touch his heart, only God can change people's hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. if you do not want this reconciliation to happen, please give me strength to overcome the bitterne

Tracy from the United Kingdom

February 28 at 10:42 pm
As in ESTHER the villain '__amans' plot to exterminate the Jews was defeated when the enemies of the Jews were expected to prevail over them, it was turned about & the Jews prevailed over their adversaries gaining relief on the 14th day making it a day of feasting and gladness ... I (Tracy) am about to give a PURIM offering today/1st March 1: 45 am & I AM CHALLENGING GOD TO DEFEAT satan's PLOT TO EXTERMINATE MY HUSBAND, MY MARRIAGE, MY 3 CHILDREN'S FAITH IN GOD - MY FAMILY & especially OUR CALLING in Jesus name. At this time when IT LOOKS like the enemy is prevailing in my husband abandoning me & our kids 19 months ago/his even filing for the DIVORCE of our marriage; even though at this time, there is the rumor of my husband having started a courtship with another woman I AM CHALLENGING & BELIEVING GOD TO "turn BACK the enemy's attack" of manipulation witchcraft from OFF my husband, OFF myself, OFF my marriage & OFF my children n God to RESTORE GLADNESS, SALVATION N REJOICING 2 US!

devadas from Malaysia

February 28 at 7:39 pm
Dearest Jesus,Pls bless me to fulfill my heart's cries to be financial strong enough to settle my financial debt and support my family.Amen

Alfred from the United States

February 28 at 7:38 pm
“Father, You tell us in Your Word that it is Your desire that none would be lost, but that all would come into a saving knowledge of You. Capture Eric McDonald’s heart. Open his eyes to Your Truth – the truth of who You are and who he is to You. Help him to see and understand his need for You and that without You he will be eternally lost. We ask You to lead Eric into a saving knowledge of You and set his soul on fire for You Lord, that he will not be satisfied until he is serving You with a pure heart. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

Manisha Sanford Fernandes from India

February 28 at 7:26 pm
Father l want to be a good wife of my husband Sanford . Give peace of mind to my father in law ciriaco mother in law socorinha Husband Sanford. Pray that Sanford should take me to his home. Restore my marriage Sanford and Manisha

Nazley van Blerk from South Africa

February 28 at 6:31 pm
Pls pray for my prodigal husband Anton van Blerk salvation. Our marriage & family restoration & healing. The other woman, zelda butler to be blessed with an available man. Thank you

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.