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joseph from the United States

February 28 at 5:53 pm
loving father, thank you for everything today!!! my anxiety is much better thanks to you. please that I wont get anxious about Brenda coming right now, its 5 months away, i'll deal with it as time gets closer in jesus name I ask amen God bless you all for praying!!! jpb

prayers for son from the United States

February 28 at 3:55 pm
please agree with me in prayer that my son gets accepted in a medical school this week and starts from fall of this year. Let this medical school be the one which God has chosen for him to do medicine and become a medical doctor. Father God, let this be done, In the name of Jesus Christ! Holy spirit guide all the people involved in the selected to have favor for my son and call him and award admissions. Amen. Jesus Bless me with an opportunity to come here to give me testimony and praise report. Amen

Sarah from the United States

February 28 at 3:36 pm
Brothers & Sisters, my name isn’t Sarah. I’ve struggled with a eating disorder for about 6- 7 Years now.It is hard. Please pray for the Lords deliverance & healing over me.

Dorinda from the United States

February 28 at 2:52 pm
I need prayers for the road condition to be safe and clear tomorrow for me to travel to have my medical procedure done, and clear to make it back home with no accidents. I also would like prayer that the outcome from the procedure turns out ok and I do not have cancer or any other kind of incurable disease. I ask for prayer for the doctors to be able to find what is causing my stomach to bleed. I pray in agreement with everyone who prays over me and my prayer .. Thank you and GOD Bless you all.

Sam from the United States

February 28 at 2:14 pm
I pray all bad mountains move in Jesus Mighty Name, and that I am the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I believe Jesus is doing the impossible in my Life, Miracles, Health,& Wealth and double for any troubles in Jesus Might Name with Great Grace and Big Mercy in all areas and that trouble stop Amen Glory! Thank you Jesus!

joseph from the United States

February 28 at 1:41 pm
thank you for all your help today father God!!! please heal the wierd sensation in my mouth, upper left side where the dentist worked, nothing is painful or infected just feels wierd in jesus name amen God bless you and thank you all for praying!! jpb

nelson presto.... mmaduabuchi from Nigeria

February 28 at 1:20 pm
Pls help me to pray for the salvation of my soul cos since 2012 i have being having sex in a dream... Since then am having financial pblm .... No good job.. No help... Anything i lay my hand will bring nothing but lost... I Need a financial breakthrough.. Help me pls

FELIX from Kenya

February 28 at 1:11 pm
Help me dear Father to seek that kingdom:Help me to be thankful for the blessings I have and use them so I may increase them with thy help. Help me to use whatever talent I have to again security and prosperity. And help me to use whatever things I own in the right way so as to increase them in Jesus name amen

deondra from the United States

February 28 at 12:47 pm
please pray for my mom she just lost her husband. pray for my 2 sons rory and adrain and they families peace and protection, salvation I pray my father will save my family and keep us close. pray for me and my husband peace and protection. I been praying for salvation for my family and total healing in my boby, thank you. please for the peace of jerusalems and a

Shelly from the United States

February 28 at 12:04 pm
Pray for my marriage to be restored. For my husband that abondoned me be lifted of his demons of insecurities be lifted from him and forgiveness replaced in him and in me. Pray for our spirits to be brought together as one and not worry about what anyone else thinks or says, for their tongues are wicked. Please pray to remove any and all walls of distruction and let us bear our fruits together as one flesh. My love is great for him through Jesus. Bring my husband home, healthy please!

Bem Achumi from India

February 28 at 11:53 am
Praise The Lord My name is Bem, i am from Nagaland (India) i am a married lady, its been 5 years of my marriage now, my husband is very irresponsible he drinks and cheated on me several times but i always keep praying for him to stop this evil and be a responsible husband, we don't have any kids, please pray for my husband that he soon realises his mistake and become clean and pray for us to have a lillte baby soon... Amen

Terry Bain from the United States

February 28 at 11:30 am
I, Terry Bain, would like you to agree in prayer for the restoration of my relationship with my girlfriend, Laura Stout. We have been together for six years and I truly love her with all my heart and soul. She is the apple of my heart and life. Thank you so very much!

Christopher Cross from the United States

February 28 at 10:13 am
Another Testimony : I Thank GOD for blessing me with favor in the event of my semi-truck getting stuck in the ice on the mountain in Oregon. GOD gave me a guy that works for the Oregon D.O.T. that took me to use the phone and to get something to eat, while waiting overnight for assistance from a tow truck. The guy also had one of their trucks lay down some sand and gravel under my tire to assist me to get the semi-truck out of the road to prevent an accident. This occurred from 2/26/18 to 2/27/18.

Brenda from the United States

February 28 at 9:39 am
Please pray for my husband health has to have surgery on skin to have cancer removed and has been battling with skin ca.. Pray for me had to take antibody for cough and still feeling fatigued and pray for healing.

Michael from South Africa

February 28 at 9:25 am
i pray for my son who turned away from God after his mother died - she was a devout reborn Christian and despite many "promises" from Christian she died young from AML Leukemia - a blood disease with a 95% failure rate. However God did spare her some 3,5 years after the Specialists said she had but months to live. He was a radical Christian before this. His name is Matthew . We live in Port Elizabeth.

Diksha from India

February 28 at 9:02 am
Kindly pray for Allen, Carol and Archana james... May they all find their life partner, they all getting married in this year, we are not able to find their pair, pray that they will soon get marry.. Amen

Diksha from India

February 28 at 8:58 am
I request u to pray.. Mahesh Nayal he is follow Hindi religion, he is my best friend and I love have m so much, pls pray that he will follow Jesus, may the Jesus call him, he will trust in Jesus name, his life will be saved, he understand and respect Christianity, he understand me too.. And respect me, talk to me, we again become a good friend... May he will trust in lords name.. May God guide him.... And call his name... And his family and his life will be blessed in the name of Jesus... I don't know how it will happen.. But I know in the name of Jesus all will be happen... Amen

IJEOMA from Nigeria

February 28 at 6:27 am
Praying for the salvation of my soul, asking for forgiveness of my sins and also praying for Gods intervention in every area of my life, his protection over my life and my family. These I pray in Jesus Name AMEN

Anna from the United Kingdom

February 28 at 6:26 am
Please pray for Rooben in Mauritius he needs deliverance. Going through his 4th brain injury caused by 2 head injuries. Satan has him bound through all sorts of illnesses as well and emotional issues. Thank you.

Linda from the United Kingdom

February 28 at 4:53 am
Please pray for Canada & the Canadian people, that they elect a Government that supports OUR Promised Holy Land of greater Israel & having done so will receive blessings from You, OUR Heavenly Father G-d, as You promise in Your Word:- 'And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.' GENESIS 12:3 Please Holy Spirit, guide them & us! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem & Israel! In Yeshua's name - Amien!

Mary from the United States

February 27 at 6:07 pm
My sisters health, my granddaughter in school, my family's health. I pray that God removes all the negative around me so that my prayers are received and we are blessed. God bless all those unanswered prayers. Bless Mike Evens and our team...

jpb from the United States

February 27 at 5:43 pm
loving father, please put an end to these anxiety flareups, so I can move on with my daily activities and thank you for all your blessings!!! in jesus name amen

Dorita from the United States

February 27 at 5:02 pm
Please pray for my sister Linita. She needs help with her finances. Please pray that she can get enough sales to cover her bills. Thank you for your prayers! Amen and Amen.

joseph from the United States

February 27 at 4:42 pm
thank you for all your help today loving father!!! please that the lady foot doctor I will see tomorrow will do a good job with my feet, nails and little cysts in jesus name amen God bless you and thank you for praying!!!

Alonso from Colombia

February 27 at 2:43 pm
Rather than asking I would like to give thanks to our Almighty God the Father in union with his Son Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit for the blessings He has pour out over me and my household. But for He always encourage us to ask in Jesus's name whatever we need,I earnestly ask you Father that my country Colombia do no fall into the hands of the communist regime that juan manuel santos for an unworthy peace nobel medal are leaving in power,coming from Cuba,Venezuela .Those terrorists that commit crimes of lesa humanity are a real threat no only to colombia but to people of The whole continent. Surely with God everything is possible!!! May our Lord Almighty Lord Jesus at the right side of The Holy God Father with The Holy Spirit bless you all.

MarFlor from the United States

February 27 at 2:20 pm
We are a big family, we had gone through a lot, but Jesus came to our lives and things changed for the better. A while back there was a misunderstanding with something I said, nothing personal for any of my family. But some decided it to correct me, I asked forgiveness because I really don't want anything to hold me back to move on the next day... and the next day I asked forgiveness again but they still seem to be upset. I feel sad, yes, I do, mostly because they feel sad, probably because of me.. I have no idea any more.. to me they have a choice, to accept my apology, or not. I been praying for them all week, and I fill in my heart to stay still and wait.. but I am asking for prayer, for GOD can work in the, they know that I am waiting with open heart. Pray for us please. Thank you

Jeff from the United States

February 27 at 1:26 pm
Almighty God -Lord of Israel Abraham Isaac and Jacob please heal our land and save our nation, open the eyes of the spiritually blind and change our hearts. I have failed you, my country has failed you, our enemy is here, and it's powerful wicked and vile- but you are the Almighty God in whom I trust. Father in heaven may the USA never forget that you will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel..In the Almighty name of Jesus I pray .. Amen

Fozia akab from Pakistan

February 27 at 12:35 pm
Please pray for me. Seven years back I got married. But I still have no baby. My married life is in husband is ignoring me badly. I am worried. Also pray for my brother,s job. That is in danger. I am also praying that God do miracle today morning.

Robert from the United States

February 27 at 12:27 pm
My prayer is for Wisdom and Discernment: To discern whether or not God wants me to partner with Jennifer Turcotte as a business associate to develop a line of Detailing Products for her to market. Thank you!

jpb from the United States

February 27 at 11:48 am
please pray for an end to my blood sugar going up and down, and that my neurapathy will not flareup again and for these anxiety flareups to end too, thats what is causing the swings in blood sugar in jesus name amen thank you so much for praying!!

Abhilash from India

February 27 at 11:38 am
Hi , I am Abhilash, I am married and blessed with 2 sons. I am working above 6 years in a company. I am not happy with my growth in terms of financially. I want to change my profession and want to work and settle in abroad to better future of my self and family. I also want to serve the needy people. Please pray for me for better life. Amen

Jena from the United States

February 27 at 8:43 am
Prayer for house to sell immediately n for a good offer n for my sons John n James deliverance from evil n for salvation n for reconciliation for all three of us and for gods protection of Israel thank u

Shannon from the United States

February 27 at 6:27 am
Please say a prayer for my mother she has been sick the last few months. We lost my dad in September and almost lost her twice since then. Pray for me and my brother also. Thank you.

Dorita from the United States

February 27 at 6:20 am
Please pray for my husband Paul. He had a stroke three months ago. Today he took a fall but by the grace of God he is alright! No extra injury! Please pray that his right side will get stronger. Please God heal Paul. We love you so much! Amen and Amen.

Paul from the United States

February 27 at 6:13 am
Lord, Please help me and my good wife make it through another day. We cannot do it without you! It is you,dear lord, that keeps the out faith willingly devoted to you. Amen and amen

Linda from the United Kingdom

February 27 at 5:39 am
Calling all Jerusalem Prayer Team supporters, friends & family:- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel! In Yeshua's name - Amien!

Maria from India

February 27 at 5:24 am
My husband is in crises please pray for him to overcome his debts smoothly. May he and his family members be save. May all be happy. Thanks Maria(wife)

Sayo from Nigeria

February 27 at 3:27 am
My husband has been out of job for more than five years so we 've been struggling to make ends. Recently, a friend of his granted him a loan alongside with his partner to execute a contract. Please help me pray for successful execution of the contract and release of payment upon completion so that the loan can be refunded immediately.. Also pray that relationship between all the parties will not turn sour because of the loan involved.

Ramkumar from India

February 27 at 12:51 am
Dear brothers &sisters, We are gentiles, in the past my wife prasuna is suffered from black magic evil effetcts. From past 3 years we came to jesus and believed and god healed my wife. Now again the evil spirts suffering my wife, when our pastors praying for her the evils coming out from her and suffering her. She is very week. Please please pray for her.

Seppo from Finland

February 26 at 8:46 pm
The Lord give my hell forgiveness and fill with the Holy Ghost. Bless the coming steps of the chapel wall texts. Stop the godless motherhood law in the Finnish Parliament. Give our country a fair Archbishop. Thank you sir.

jpb from the United States

February 26 at 7:46 pm
oh loving father, thank you for healing me physically and emotionally these past couple of days. please please that I will not worry or obsess about noises my car is making underneath, its silly and made my blood pressure and blood sugar go up, please heal my anxiety and I will feel the way I did before all this happened, in jesus name amen thank you for all your blessings!!!

joseph from the United States

February 26 at 6:58 pm
please pray that I will not think about my car, I was doing so well the last 2 days please, then I worry and i physically dont feel well, in jesus name I ask amen jpb God bless!!

joseph from the United States

February 26 at 5:03 pm
thank you for all your blessings today loving father!! please heal the upper left side of my mouth where the dentist worked today, in jesus name I ask amen. God bless you and thank you for praying!!!

Gloria Jean from the United States

February 26 at 4:49 pm
Lord thank you for this day, blessed be your name, my LORD bless the dusty road to Damacus in Jesus name protect your children, under your wings almighty One True Lord God of Israel, receive all glory forever thank you amen.

GIDEON from Grenada

February 26 at 3:13 pm

Lynette from Trinidad and Tobago

February 26 at 2:52 pm
Good day. Please pray for me for a financial breakthrough I'm tired of my husband and myself living from paycheck to paycheck paying bills and seeing about our kids my last son is going to school and my next son isn't working and it's hard on our side. I'm believing in God for a breakthrough in Jesus name.

Dorinda from the United States

February 26 at 11:20 am
PLEASE Pray for me ... I have a up and coming medical procedure on March 1st for my bleeding stomach. I need prayer for it not to be cancer or any other incurable disease. I am very scared... Please pray for the outcome to be a good one and I be released from this fear I have been under for over 5 years now. Thank you so very much for your prayers. GOD Bless you all.

Lori Dillon from the United States

February 26 at 11:19 am
My husband was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in his prostate. He will undergo tests to see if the cancer has spread. Please pray for us: peace in believing that he is healed, strength in standing in faith, and that the cancer is healed- not spread to other parts of his body. Also that he will be directed by the Lord to stop smoking and eat right. Thank you!

joseph from the United States

February 26 at 10:07 am
please father God that all will go smoothly today at the dentist, please keep me from all stress and anxiety while I continue recovering in jesus name amen jpb

Alfred from the United States

February 26 at 9:17 am
Please pray for Alan Canning and his wife Sylvia Canning. Their young son TJ Canning suffers from a brain tumor.It is very serious. Pray for TJ Canning's healing. Pray for God's mercy to cover this family and God's grace to up lift them.

Paul from the United States

February 26 at 9:16 am
Dear lord, I need physical therapy badly. My insurance provider only supplies so much. Please pray i get enough!!! Ty and God bless you!

joseph from the United States

February 26 at 9:14 am
loving father, please continue healing my chest and other symptoms from the anxiety attacks, that I will be 100%% healed asap in jesus name amen love jpb

Ed Danza from the United States

February 26 at 9:12 am
for financial grace - I'm 1 month behind in rent going on 2  and other outstanding bills, for a new job, for deliverance from anxiety, depression and all evil, for favor with my landlord, for peace of mind. Thank you.

Ed Danza from the United States

February 26 at 9:10 am
for Cookie who has end stage  cancer which has spread to her spine - for salvation complete healing and deliverance from all evil, for peace. Thank you.  

Ed Danza from the United States

February 26 at 8:59 am
for Kamal who is divorced and unemployed -  for his salvation, a new job and for a reunification with his ex-wife, for peace. Thank you.

Neeraj from Canada

February 26 at 8:02 am
Hii dear I am Neeraj Kumar from India. I want to visa of Canada please prayer for me I try for Canada vise many times but it is not possible I m upset about that .

Shiwangi from the United States

February 26 at 7:57 am
Hii dear, My name's shiwangi from family is suffering form debts, deseases, struggles,and setting in life .I want to go for settlement in Canada please prayer for us.. hallelujah praise the lord I give all glory to Jesus ameeennnnnn

C from Philippines

February 26 at 5:56 am
To FOZ/Jerusalem Prayer Team: My heart is heavy with the abuse being inflicted to two young boys . I called through phone twice since I know them and their house is next to ours that I am hearing crying voices. I was cursed and told there were no kids living with them. It was a lie. There are many other issues which I rather not put into writing because of the complexity of the case but God knows. The result of my EKG was abnormal. Tomorrow we are going to have 2D echo & me for a Doppler ultrasound & other tests. This morning I have read Deut.7:15 -The Lord will heal you from any disease. May God deliver me and my family from any generational curse passed to us. I pray for God's wisdom as I have this revelation and received a prophecy to write a book, this is huge in my thought but needing the confidence that what was started will be into completion in God's perfect time.shalom. from sister C.

F from the United States

February 26 at 4:16 am
Abba Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, You are The Holy One, You are the great I AM. I appeal to Your throne room today. I am aware of the stench of death produced by my stinking thinking and words of accusation and condemnation out of my mouth. My heart opens to hatred and fear and unforgivness. You have made this known to me and mmy sins and flesh that produces death are beyond my understanding. I appeal to You today to provide and protect, to teach me, to purify me, to kill off clings to me & produces death. oh Lord may I smell the fragrance of life! May my body be a sweet sacrifice producing the fragrance of life. Help me smell like Jesus! I do not know what to pray other then- Please help me & do not give up on me! Please. Complete the good work You began in me. Because You are faithful and You finish what You start! You love me even when there is NOTHING good in me. Thank You for Jesus-for grace & life. I choose life. Win the war in me Lord-for Your sake and Your Glory for my good amen

Stephen from Nigeria

February 26 at 2:00 am
I pray God continually prosper and give peace to Jerusalem and they that dwell in it. Also Yaweh bless those that love Jerusalem abundantly


February 26 at 12:18 am
Dear prayer team, Thanks for your support, i want to pursue my studies... please pray for my finances so that i can invest them in my studies. .God is good and i want to donate financially in the Jerusalem Prayer Team. Thank you in advance for your prayer. SEPHORA

Javed Masih from Pakistan

February 25 at 11:25 pm
Father. Son and Holy Spirit father I and my Business company name Hartmann International Trading, we need you Lord please help me and Remove crisis from my Business specially we have outstanding amount from many customers like Mr. Kees Netherlands (55000 euro), Mr. Carlos Spain (US$8000), Mr. Graham UK ($3500), Mr. Rahul Chill ($15000), Mr. Christiaan SouthAfrica ($21000), Please my Lord forward your right hand and bless them sothat they could return my outstanding soon. Because we are really falling down due to bank Loan about $50,000/- and other Crisis of local market loans. "Oh Lord" we need your desperately cover & Holy Blood all our needs and release us from bank loan and recover our outstanding. In name of Jesus........Amen Br Javed Masih Hartmann International Trading

Vanessa from the United States

February 25 at 11:07 pm
Praying that Albert has right mind set, no more depression, anxiety, anger has to go, all unforgiveness he has for anyone be forgiven, that he forgive himself in Jesus name. I declare Albert has the mind of Christ, that ptsd has to go in Jesus name and declare his healing what was done on Calvary by the blood of the Lamb bring forth healing to Albert. I declare that Albert will be getting a new job, that he will feel worthy of living, declaring long time in Jesus name. All word curses he's spoken fall to the ground and not produce in fruit and that he begins to bless through his words and not curse. As it is in heaven so shall it be here on earth.

Vaness from the United States

February 25 at 11:00 pm
The Lord bless Israel, may they prosper, may they continue to expand their territory in Jesus name. May all those that are traveling back to their homeland arrive safely, and may we all get home as God wills. May you continue to bless Israel Prime Minister with all wisdom, knowledge Holy Spirit and shower him and his family with Love. May you bless and keep the Israeli soldiers in all their ways. I declare Psalm 91 over Israel and for all those on this prayer wall. God is our refuge, and our help in time of need. Thank you Jesus for interceding for us 24/7 never slumber or sleeping. I declare I am healed, blood pressure is normal, asthma has to go in Jesus name, my organs, and whole being be in perfect harmony and balance in Jesus name and no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Believing for deliverance for Albert restore his lumbar vertebrae in perfect alignment Lord, no more pain in Jesus name, may the chiropractic appointment tomorrow bring him healing and pain to be gone.

Clever from Indonesia

February 25 at 8:11 pm
Shalom Please pray for my family, pray that my husband may turn gentle to me and our son, pray that he will be concerned and give his full attention to me and our child, pray that he will fully love his family, be a loving family be understanding and in particular be very loyal to the family Pray that my husband will take care of the family rather than others and pray that God will lift up all his negative character (from being rough to tender, from unattention to concern, from being indifferent to being caring and from not understanding wives to understanding wives) and all the positive which I expect to happen to my husband .. Pray for the integrity of our home Last pray for our 8-month-old son to be healthy and strong always in God and filled with God's abundant blessings, amen Thank you God bless

Akinyemi oluyemi from Nigeria

February 25 at 7:59 pm
I need prayer to start again, I lost my job and marriage in 2016 and till now I can't get a wife left two kids for me .please pray for me I need God restitution. +2347035169321

janet from the United States

February 25 at 7:43 pm
JPT' please pray that JESUS' heals gina' and please pray that HE' helps our dog luckie' to recover' thank you' and BLESSINGS upon your prayer team' Amen'

jpb from the United States

February 25 at 3:21 pm
please pray that emotionally i get stronger right away, i've been sad and anxious, also that my neaurapathy wont flare up again in jesus name amen jpb thank you so much for praying!!

joseph from the United States

February 25 at 12:55 pm
please kindly pray for me, i've had 3 anxiety flareups since feb 14th. my blood sugar went up mildly, and its been so normal for years. I just want to feel 100%%% asap, in jesus name I ask this amen. God bless you for praying!!

Nancy from the United States

February 25 at 9:52 am
My husband was scammed. He received a call from someone telling him that he had $250.00 owed him so they got into his computer and they put on their website and then he had my husband go to Walmart and purchase four $500.00 gift cards and in the meantime he took $2000.00 out of his account and transferred $2,000 out of my account to my husband's. Then he came home and had to call this person back and read him the gift card numbers to him. My husband was so vulnerable. I was screaming to him that this is a scam. I went to our bank and they told us to go to Walmart and Walmart put my husband in touch with Walmart Security in Arkansas and so I typed up everything and sent an email to them. In the meantime the police came and we told them what happened. Please pray that Walmart can give back the $2,000.00 to my husband.

Kock David from the United States

February 25 at 8:47 am
Please pray for me. On October 3, 2017 I was charged with criminal threat as a felony. I regret that I make a threat against my family and I was very wrong and I am sorry for it and I feel so shame and now I come before the Lord to ask for forgiveness of all my wrong doing and forgive of all my sins. My court preliminary court hearing is on for March 15, 2018. Please pray for me that the judge and district attorney will goes easy on me and not to sentence me to prison and the judge will give me second chance to change. Please pray for me that God will has mercy on me and give me second chance and deliver me from court trail and give me victory. Please pray me that God will give me second chance to be a good husband and a good dad and bring my family back together again. Thank you all so much.

Paul from the United States

February 25 at 6:28 am
Please pray for the salvation of America! I fear the (H)atheists have slowly taken control of the schools and most public gov entities at the local and county levels. pray for all the souls that have lost their way from God to have a reawakening and find their way back Jesus!

GJR from the United States

February 25 at 6:20 am
Thank You Dear Lord my heavenly Father God almighty for blessing me with the light of a new day. I pray Your peace that passes all understanding guard my mind and heart today as well as for all who dwell in Jerusalem. May Israel bloom with the joy of the Lord receive new strength, new wisdom and a submissive teachable spirit from the Lord. May all the nations gather in Jerusalem to witness the Arm of the Lord fulfillment of prophecy. May the Saints shrink back not one and may they overcome by the blood of the Lamb and their testimony and love not their lives even unto death, yet allow them to love one another with the Love of God, that covers a multitude of sins. Bless the remnant of Benjamin to gather in Petra in the name of Jesus may my prayers be sweet fragrance to the Lord. For time runs short and the runners running weary. Hallelujah Shalom Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus!

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.