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Rinda Swanepoel from South Africa

January 30 at 12:29 am
I thank you Abba Father for Your never-ending love. Thank you for Your Presence in my life and Your Protection and Provision everyday in my life and that of my loved ones. We worship You and we honor You as the King of all Kings..Fill us to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit so that we can do bold deeds and mighty acts like Daniel and his friends. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Keep your people safe against the enemy and make them to prosper in their home-land. Amen

Helen from the United States

January 30 at 12:29 am
Pray for my daughter to get custody of her boys. There has been so much injustice done to her and us, her parents Please pray for the Shingles's to be healed I am battling. Thank you and God bless you & ministry.

Angela from South Africa

January 30 at 12:29 am
Father I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Please forgive our sins. Have Mercy on us your children. Heal our land. Heal our children. Help us to be what You want us to be. Because Your grace is sufficient for us All and Your mercies endures forever! You are The King of kings! The Lord of lords! Who was, Who Is and Is to come. We await Your coming Lord Jesus... Please come QUICKLY! AMEN, AMEN AND AMEN

Matt from the United States

January 30 at 12:28 am
Lord God, the great and dreadful God, forgive us our sins and blot out our iniquities. Thank you, Jesus, for the blood you shed for us at the cross of calvary. We plead the precious blood of the unblemished lamb over the nation of Israel and the United States in a time such as this. We pray for the Muslim nation and other nations that do not know the Lord, that they will come to know Him and accept and trust Him as their personal Lord and Savior, acknowledge their sins and confess them before the Lord and enthrone Him in their hearts and homes. Lord, we pray for your divine protection against terrorist threats and attacks on the nation of Israel and the United States. We are the body of Christ. When we pray according to His will, He hears us and whatever we ask in His name, He will do it. May His name be exalted throughout the entire earth. Amen.

Carolyn from the United States

January 30 at 12:27 am
Please pray that our daughter and her family will see the error of their way through God’s Word. Satan has blinded their eyes to believe a lie and they need to know the Truth and be set free by it. I spoke the truth to them and gave scriptures, but they are now angry with me and one of the granddaughters has written me off and wants nothing to do with me. I am being persecuted for Christ’s sake and that’s well and good, but it is a grandchild and that means no communication during her young adult life, and beyond until she awakens to the Truth. Please pray for Cari.

Valerie from the United States

January 30 at 12:24 am
Please pray for me. I have Stage II Stomach Cancer. I have had this cancer for over three years. I try to be strong for my family, but sometimes the pain gets the better of me. I have had rounds of Radiation and Chemo therapies, but I could not handle the side effects. I am now treating my cancer holistically...herbals, organically, naturals, etc. I still work FULL TIME as a nurse. I am not ready to depart this life. I have grandchildren that I want to see grow up. I believe that I have much left to do.

Soruma from Ethiopia

January 30 at 12:21 am
You, my Father, You know my thirsty and hungry, YOUR POWERFUL HOLY, HOLY, HOLY GHOST (YOUR FIRE); fill, change, guide, live in me, then I serve your mind. BE IN JESUS NAME! AMEN!

Uzezi from Nigeria

January 30 at 12:18 am
Let us for nation of Israel what God has started He will complete in His time. He use whosoever He want to use to achieve His will for Israel. Also pray for my country Nigeria as we approach election year 2019 Nigerian will make the right decision and the will of God for Nigeria that will stand.

nigel stevenson from South Africa

January 30 at 12:16 am
Dear Lord Jesus Thank you for being our friend. We ask for wisdom and strength to perform the duties of our hearts. We ask this Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

Ravi.T from Malaysia

January 29 at 11:56 pm
The moment President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel's capital, my mind went to Luke 21: 24 - They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. When the Gentiles time has come to an end to rule Jerusalem, this is an indication that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will come back quickly. Rev:22-12 says “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Rev 22:20 says He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Also pray for my son Matthew who is studying medicine in Manipal, India. His Uni exams are in March 12-24, 2018. Thanks.

David from the United States

January 29 at 11:45 pm
Please agree with me for an anointing in President Donald Trump as he delivers his State of the Union Address. The Bible say the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and He turns it whatever way He wants. It is also written, "I will give thee a mouth and wisdom which no man can gainsay nor resist. The Bible also tells us that the Lord will silence the mouth of the gainsayer, and "no weapon formed against thee shall prosper."

David from the United States

January 29 at 11:40 pm
I have been standing on the Word of God and prayers of the saints for removal of a growth on the surface of my right eye. Now I am scheduled for outpatient surgery. I am also rebuking beginning cataracts. Also been fighting a sore spot in gum area in my mouth. Thanks

Phelesia from Kenya

January 29 at 11:29 pm
Praise King Jesus Let us remember Israel at this moment, this is the time we should stand with Israel as you know the Nation is surrounded by the enemy. And let us pray that they will know that Jesus is the redeemer, the saviour and the deliverer and that there is need to turn to Him.

Phelesia from Kenya

January 29 at 11:19 pm
Greetings in Jesus name Please pray for my spiritual uplifting that I may move closer to the Lord than to the things of the world. Secondly pray for me to get my own home. I don't have finances but I know silver and gold belongs to our God,

Marty Cerveny from the United States

January 29 at 11:18 pm
Pray for the Israelites to know Yeshua the Messiah. Pray for the Presidents of both of our countries Israel and United States Pray for the people in American to have relationship with the one true G-D. Pray for the Muslim community to turn fromt their sins and follow the one true G-D. Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords love from las vegas

Sophia from South Africa

January 29 at 11:16 pm
Holy Father in Heaven, Let Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Let Your Kingdom Come. I Pray for the Peace of Israel. Praise You and Thank You that You can Move Mountains! Amen

Annaiah from Zimbabwe

January 29 at 11:12 pm

Sheila from the United States

January 29 at 11:12 pm
My husband August was forced to retire due to his age and now he is depressed, feels he is not wanted, not needed, valueless, spends far too much time sleeping and has little incentive to do things that need doing. He is so over sensitive right now that it is draining. It is a difficult transition for us both and he has so much yet he can offer an employer. Thank you for your prayers.

Annaiah from Zimbabwe

January 29 at 11:02 pm
Kingdom greetings. May God bless Jerusalem. Please pray for my brothers to get their jobs back and restoration for my family, what has been eaten by the the locust and the carcass worms. Pray for me for my Job that God will give me more wisdom. Work and get what I work for. my children that they will serve and know God more. Pray for marriage for me. Godly spouse. Pray against marital delays and against the spirit of retardation in Jesus name...

Anne from Kenya

January 29 at 10:56 pm
Please remember my nation Kenya in prayers during this time of political instability. And also that I may get a job in order to meet my needs and those of my family, Shalom.

Dianne from the United States

January 29 at 10:36 pm
Please pray for my husband John, and my grown children and their spouses and children to all accept Jesus as their Lord and savior to draw closer to Jesus in 2018... especially Mindy. Thank you all for your prayers.

Carmen from the United States

January 29 at 10:27 pm
Please pray for rain in Western Cape South Africa, our dams are running dry, I know God will make a way where there seem to be no way, he works in ways we cannot see...

okopela from Papua New Guinea

January 29 at 10:25 pm
All Praise, Glory & Honour to Our Heavenly Father- God Almighty!!! Stregnthen and empower the Global Prayer Ministry to continue praying for the prayer team.. Prayer also for my comfort and protection in my; 1. Family unity 2. My job, Position & Salaries and all the programs I run on humantarian services and all the leadersn in the world to be always at peace when addressing isues affecting the globe 3.

Ron from the United States

January 29 at 10:23 pm
I ask you father to watch over my three adult sons and direct them to you. I pray father that each one would truly give their heart to you and follow you. I asked father that you would help them financially as well. To your glory and in the precious name of Jesus. I also pray father for this nation and the nation of Israel that you would continue to lead and protect from the evil one. Again to your glory father in Jesus name

Susan Armijo from the United States

January 29 at 10:02 pm
Pray for my son Steven be delivered from Alcohol and drugs for his salvation and look for a job and my older Son Dean also to be delivered from alcohol. Thank you

Leslie Skiles from the United States

January 29 at 10:00 pm
Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem and for my President. Trusting the Father to guide the footsteps of my family and keep us safe from evil. Praying that we will always have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that receives His word. Thanking you always for your favor in our lives and the many blessings that you bestow upon us.

Shannon from Zimbabwe

January 29 at 9:43 pm
My dearest Heavenly Father God thank you so much for saving me a sinner I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that you will keep safe your chocen people in Jesus’s name I pray Amen.

Virginia Evans from the United States

January 29 at 9:33 pm
To have God's favor in getting an increase in my aid and assistance or my rent frozen at last years' rate so I can resume dividing my tithe between my church and the Jerusalem Prayer Team ; so my medical bills can be paid in full as God said to owe no one anything but love.. I lift up the leadership of Israel and the USA daily. May God continue to give the leaders guidance each day and protect them from all harm. (Psalm 91).

Barton & Beverly from the United States

January 29 at 9:32 pm
Abba Father - May all who are loyal to your Son, Jesus, continue interceding at your throneroom of grace for our nation to once again be One Nation under God as you motivated our Founding Fathers to establish this nation as a Constitutional Representative Republic.

Omar from the United States

January 29 at 9:29 pm
+[Jesus I need a "MIRACLE!" in different areas of my life: 1. Ministry 2. Project of 6 Books 3. Finances 4. My Mirage 5. Health etc... "You Know Everything!" Is be an a up & down for more than a year. "I Praise Your Name In Advance For The Mighty & Great Thing's You Going To Do In My Life & In The Life's Of My Brother's & Sisters All Around The World & Amen!"

Denise from the United States

January 29 at 9:26 pm
For to finally stop living in feat. Foreboding emotions. I want to be free of childhood abuse. Sexual confusion, trust issuses. I want to be made mentally, physically whole. I want to walk in faith without all this toxic emotions. I want to be the women God created without fear, anxiety. Able to learn, understand, and be obedient to Gods word. Tired of being alone, guarded and hurt. Amen

Denise from the United States

January 29 at 9:26 pm
For to finally stop living in feat. Foreboding emotions. I want to be free of childhood abuse. Sexual confusion, trust issuses. I want to be made mentally, physically whole. I want to walk in faith without all this toxic emotions. I want to be the women God created without fear, anxiety. Able to learn, understand, and be obedient to Gods word. Tired of being alone, guarded and hurt. Amen

Joni from the United States

January 29 at 9:16 pm
Our family needs prayers for my grandson. His name is Graham Teyema and he has a rare genetic disease. He is going to have surgery within the next month to operate on his hips that are out of joint and he can’t walk until he has this surgery. He is the bravest 8 year old on earth and he never complains about anything. He also has very bad skin and his poor little feet are red and sores on them. 🙏

Mary from the United States

January 29 at 9:07 pm
Thank you Lord for the other prayers to be heard from all over the world. We are all in need of your blessings. As I weep and am broken in search for that great career or job after struggling for 3 years, please don’t let me lose my home. Rescue me Lord. I want to be able to give more and live.

Pamela Brown from the United States

January 29 at 9:04 pm
Please pray for my nephews and nieces. That the my confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and want ro serve and worship Him. Amen

Sharom from the United States

January 29 at 9:01 pm
I pray Father that u would open the eyes of your people to the truth of who they r, and deliver Israel from the fake Jews, and the born again believers in America and set them free from the lie that the fake Jews r telling. Thank U 4 delivering the Black Jews in America to see and know who they truely r and those around the world and bring them back home to Israel where they truely belong, in Yeshua name. The day of peace is coming when our Savior come and not untill then. My point of view and prayer.

Grace Diopa from the United States

January 29 at 9:00 pm
Father God, I want to take this moment in time, to thank you for helping me heal and gain my weight back. I want peace in my life and find my way back into my living room, and get out of this bedroom. I want to praise you father in my bedroom and for sleeping. I pray father you will have mercy on my son who is doing drugs. Father help me to deal with my anxiety and faith. I want more of you Father and less of me. All the praise to you Father, you are holy and help me to always know this. I love you father, I am you Daughter. Amen Amen

Belkis Santana from the United States

January 29 at 8:57 pm
Please pray for my 3 children to have a personal encounter with God , come back to Christ. My oldest son be deliver from homosexuality. He was not like that . For my family to come to Christ. Also pray for my sister in Christ daughter she’s bipolar to be set free. And I pray for a Godly husband, a man with the heart of God . Pray for my pastors that God continue to give Godly wisdom and keep using them .

Sean from the United States

January 29 at 8:52 pm
That God will fix my broken marriage & bring us peace and happiness till death do us part. I've had major depression and anxiety attacks and lost 30 pounds in 2 months because of the situation.

Vicki from the United States

January 29 at 8:52 pm
Dear Father Please help me with my unspoken prayer. My life has been so hard these last ten years. I'm tired of feeling so worthless for getting sick and laid off from my job. I lost both my cars, my apartment and what feels like my dignity. I got a ssa disability and have all of it away to family that knew they could get it. Now I have nothing left of 40,00.00 and that was supposed to help my husband and I find a place for us to live. I don't need to go into what else you already know. I want you back in my life and help me get past my anger and feeling worthless. Sometimes I just want to come home to you. I think of taking all my medicine and get away this from this pain. Please Jesus help me.

Angela from the United States

January 29 at 8:49 pm
Praying for the Lord to open the right doors and lead me to the right people while I write my book to publish about my son's miraculous healing of autism. Praying to have the opportunities to spread the good news to families about God's glory and goodness to those who believe and are expecting their miracles.

Susan from the United States

January 29 at 8:48 pm
Praise God for His amazing faithfulness and provision and how he does more than we can ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20-21)I’m believing that when I put my house on the market that it will sell above our asking price. I want to give a portion of the sale to help with the building of homes for holocaust survivors. God bless and thank you!

Stella Honeycutt from the United States

January 29 at 8:47 pm
I am asking prayers for my Children. Their Father was a Pastor and they have gone to Church since Birth. Only one Son who is a Pastor. The other three girls do not go to Church anymore but claim to Know Jesus. I pray they will wake up to their need for Church Fellowship. I also ask for Prayer for Israel. Also our President Trump and His Administration. That God would keep a Hedge around him and His Family.

Smith from the United Arab Emirates

January 29 at 8:44 pm
Please pray for my wife Shinu and Myself to have a healthy spiritual life. 2018 is a year of Harvest for us and we would like to be faithful in what God has entrusted us by doing his will by depending on the Holy Spirit only not our flesh. A spirit of Compassion, love, Joy and peace should flow from us to the people around us. 2. We should have divine physical health to do his ministry..Sometimes we become lazy, lethargic, tired, exhausted etc..Pray that we have a divine health. 3. I am working and for the past 10 years I have not got any promotion in my Job. I want to be blessed financially strongly so that it would help our ministry and could support or meet others need as and when required as per the leading of the Holy Spirit.... 4. A physical and spiritual encounter with the Lord this year. 5. We do not have children..We want Children so that a generation will arise for the Lord until his Coming.(Joshua Generation).

Carmela from the United States

January 29 at 8:41 pm
I need prayer for my adult children.I pray to my dear Jesus that he would pour down his holy siprit upon my son David my daughter KaiLani and my daughter inlaw Laura.My the mighty God above pour down his holy siprit on all the youth of this generanion in all the world that the sons hearts will turn back to the father and the fathers hearts back to the children .I pray this in Jesus mighty name amen

devakumar from Sri Lanka

January 29 at 8:38 pm

Smith from the United Arab Emirates

January 29 at 8:38 pm
Please pray for my wife Shinu and Myself to have a healthy spiritual life. 2018 is a year of Harvest for us and we would like to be faithful in what God has entrusted us by doing his will by depending on the Holy Spirit only not our flesh. A spirit of Compassion, love, Joy and peace should flow from us to the people around us. 2. We should have divine physical health to do his ministry..Sometimes we become lazy, lethargic, tired, exhausted etc..Pray that we have a divine health. 3. I am working and for the past 10 years I have not got any promotion in my Job. I want to be blessed financially strongly so that it would help our ministry and could support or meet others need as and when required as per the leading of the Holy Spirit.... 4. A physical and spiritual encounter with the Lord this year. 5. We do not have children..We want Children so that a generation will arise for the Lord until his Coming.(Joshua Generation).

Ernest from the United States

January 29 at 8:36 pm
I had prostate cancer surgery on Nov 15 and after surgery my PSA has started to go back up. The doctor says it looks like a couple of my lymph nodes are swollen and they are scheduling a pet scan. I would ask for prayer for healing, and that they can find out what is going on. I am taking care of my 24/7 who is suffering from PSP and they say there is no cure for this rare neurological disease. Thank you

Leigh from the United States

January 29 at 8:31 pm
Shalom, please pray that I can prove my Jewish heritage to the minister of interior per there regulations to make Aliyah! I beg you with all my heart!! The Lord has put this in my heart to go home to help others. Please with your help in prayer to GOD above it shall be done! Toda raba Leigh USA

mary botsford from the United States

January 29 at 8:06 pm
I pray for President Trump and his cabinet for Godly wisdom and protection. Especially for President Trump who gets evil thrown at him every day. Keep America and Israel safe.

Kenneth from the United States

January 29 at 8:04 pm
We have just had a death in the family My niece and on the same day my daughter passed out with walking pneumonia In a major attack on our finances it’s been a busy week and a half but I’m asking God to bring us through it we have been taught went to or more gathers together Jesus is right there I’m asking you to join your prayers with mines.

Linda from the United States

January 29 at 7:58 pm
Please pray for the Lord's favor in getting a substantial financial settlement from the city's insurance for an uncared for tree from their park that fell on our property during Hurricane Irma. The tree's roots were damaged severely because of an erosion problem left untreated by the city. The wind, which didn't topple any other trees, dropped this very large silver oak. Quite a bit of damage was done to our property, but the city is trying to get out of paying us anything. This is wrong, and we are appealing to the Lord for what is rightfully owed to us. We are hoping to have all of this repaired and paid for before our niece moves in with us. We are trusting the Lord that she will not marry a Morman boy that she is currently engaged to; and will, instead, come home, leave that cult, and move in with us to attend our Bible-believing church. I believe the Lord has confirmed all of this, but I am asking for much prayer with regards to these requests.

Kathy from the United States

January 29 at 7:57 pm
Pray for my son Rangler that he will come back to Jesus, he has left him for homosexual behavior. Pray for my son Robby and Katherine that they will find salvation. Pray for my marriage.

Mike from the United States

January 29 at 7:53 pm
I am having some serious test done this Thursday, Feb 1. Please pray that the outcome will be well and I won’t have to have any more done. Also remember my daughter who needs a job with healthcare and benefits. Me and my family also need financial help to meet the needs of paying our bills and not just existing from one check to another. Thank you

Catherine from the United States

January 29 at 7:49 pm
Complete healing from chemo and all side effects I have been fighting for 2 years. Also that I would find the husband the Lord wants me to have.

Taryn from the United States

January 29 at 7:46 pm
God would make the U.S. a prepared people, to obey his commands, and love God with all of our hearts, strength and mind. To love our neighbors, as we love ourselves!

Kiesha Middleton from the United States

January 29 at 7:42 pm
Money to now manifest in my life and my daughter Kiah Middleton's lives, to get dental implant surgery. Money to now manifest in me and my child Kiah M. lives, for our own home, money, for every want and need., now manifest. Money to now manifest in my sister Monique Lattimore's life, for her every want and need. Every desire I have for myself and my daughter Kiah Middleton, to now manifest. Friendships and relationships I desire for myself and my child Kiah Middleton, to manifest, now. That myself and my child Kiah Middleton, will be ready for these things. Relationships, and friendships my sister Monique Lattimore desire, now manifest That we can move into our own home now. That we will have continual peace in our Apt. until we can move. That "God", will bind our upstairs neighbors from running machines over us, or disturbing us in any way., at all. That everything I have been claiming in "Jesus", name over the past 5 months now, manifest. What I claim in "Jesus", name manifest.

Roland from the United States

January 29 at 7:28 pm
Please pray for my half brother Marion Williams and ask for the Lord's healing,he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I believe he is already being healed,but it doesn't hurt to have more believers praying for him.

Reynaldo from the United States

January 29 at 7:17 pm
Praying for God's intervention in the US-Israel's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the eventual transfer of the US imbassy to the capital Jerusalem in Jesus Christ's Almighty Name. Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Gertie from Canada

January 29 at 7:05 pm
113 Jewell St. My daughter-in-law Amanda really needs to have her faith in God restored.She is very skeptical of the Bible right now and needs to encounter God in a mighty way. Thank you.

Linda from the United Kingdom

January 29 at 7:03 pm
Please pray for G-d's wisdom and protection for the new political party - Britain First - who are bravely standing against Islamic encroachment in th U.K. They are coming up against many threats and are dealing with spiritual warfare! Many, many thanks! May G-D bless you! In anticipation of the return of OUR Messiah Yeshua!!

Gregory from Canada

January 29 at 6:59 pm
Abba Father, I pray for complete healing of my friend and brother in Christ, Bill. May the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit lead and guide his son Joel out of drug addiction and demonic influence. Lord, Change his heart towards the Word of God and help him to take Godly advice from Bill. Open His eyes to see Jesus and to look up to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Lord, save and deliver Joel from evil influences in his life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Robi from the United States

January 29 at 6:54 pm
Blessings my Brother and Sisters in Christ...Forgot to add where is Humanity? Tell me and answer that for me. did we just let Technology over take our Humanity... Father if we ever need You It’s Now

Joan Gordon from the United States

January 29 at 6:50 pm
Pray that God deliver our family. Most of our family have strayed from the Lord and living in sin. Most urgently we have a divorced 56 year old daughter (alcoholic) living in our house with no possibility in sight for her survive outside of our home. The tension is almost unbearable. In our later years (I'm 75 my husband is 78) we have essential no privacy or freedom. She is extremely sensitive, selfish, wasteful, immature and constantly dwells on the past hardships to play the ultimate victim. I don't think we are selfish to want our freedom and privacy in our final years. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

umoh from Nigeria

January 29 at 6:48 pm
Please my heavenly Father who help your saints of old. Kindly help me to scale through this season with success. I need You to overturn every plans of the enemy to destroy me and my family. Grant me favour to have a new car that will help me to carryout my divine assignment. Thank You for answering my prayer.

Robi from the United States

January 29 at 6:36 pm
Pray for Fiancially help to make the Impossible Possible... To not let me lose my Faith knowing there is only one G-d... you are my only Hope... Protect Israel don’t let them hurt your Children

Carmen Martinez from the United States

January 29 at 6:35 pm
For my family,son Steven for salvation,Amanda to came to God,Jeffrey for salvation and for Kimberly and her family,my brother Gilberto and family for salvation and to have more love and they heart,thankyou and God Bless You

Stephen from the United Kingdom

January 29 at 6:32 pm
Please pray for the peaceful collapse of the European Union with immediate effect. NB I had an encounter with a demon who told me that he had a message from God that I should stop praying for the EU to die, when asked about the Testing of the Spirits (1 John 4:1-4) he said I do NOT do that. This means the EU can fail as soon as we pray amen in Jesus's name.

CG from the United States

January 29 at 6:30 pm
My husband passed away 5 months ago from stage 4 cancer. I am trying to finish school, then attend nursing school in the Fall. Now as a widow, I need a financial miracle...

Martin Sileita from Papua New Guinea

January 29 at 6:25 pm
Please pray for me as I plan to launch my new ministry called Immanuel Worship which is aimed at encouraging young people to worship in spirit and in truth and be activated to enjoy the favour of God to do His will and His purposes. I thank God for this prayer team who are my global family. Love you all and may the LORD'S favour be upon us always.

Lenora from the United States

January 29 at 6:25 pm
To receive a full time position in accounting. To align my right toe. For growth in the damaged areas of my scalp. To rebuild my bank account. To exercise more. To be more open and to build my relationship with the Lord.

Blease from the United States

January 29 at 6:23 pm
I'm a 62 yr old man going thru divorce. Have not worked in years due to medical problems but God has blessed me with a minimum wage job in security. I need an apartment of my own but can't afford it on my present salary. I need the favor of God as I'm virtually starting all over again. Also need transportation to work and church, I'm currently using my wife's truck, but have to move out quickly and she has already stated she wants her truck back, even though she has another jeep she could drive. I just want peace, and to move so that I can get on with my life ! Thank you in advance for your prayers on my behalf !

kitty from the United States

January 29 at 6:17 pm
physical and emotional healing for my husband. He feels a call on his life to pastor, but is currently recovering from cancer. Also, pray for the greatest revival in America that would also include revival in Washington.

Jerry Rivers from the United States

January 29 at 6:14 pm
Pray for the people in the USA needs Jesus Christ as their personal savior, young people need to hear the gospel and be saved.

Merkle Draughn from the United States

January 29 at 6:12 pm
LORD Thank you for hearing my prayers. LORD thank you for all you have done for me LORD I'm asking for a financial breakthrough. Lord I'm asking for a car so that I can work on getting my family back. Lord I'm asking you in Jesus Christ name.

Melba from Philippines

January 29 at 6:08 pm
Please for my sister ana and her entire family to return to the Lord and serve Him with all their heart. Pray for her daughter joanne to be delivered from emotional and psychological disturbance. That her first love with the Lord jesus be restored. Thank you

Janeta Antonio Misa from Philippines

January 29 at 6:02 pm
Praise You God Hallelujah. Please pray for my family and love ones for protection, provision and presence of our Almighty Lord. My son John Louie who is on board at P.S. Palios. for his promotions and God's traveling mercy be upon them always in their journey. My daughter Janica Lyn who is now facing termination problem from her work. God is our God of order may He place everything in order and according to His will the best will be given to her career. and touch the heart of all people concerns with this matter, also my son Don Roice continue to touch his heart and hear God's calling to serve also in His kingdom mightily. Wisdom and knowledge to all them. and most all praying for everyone peace, love, and unity, courage and strength, to obey God's commands and be the centers of our lives always. God bless Israel and His chosen people. complete healing from all kinds of sickness. Bless us all body, soul and spirit. physical, emotional, financial & spiritual Amen.

Lisa Jane from the United States

January 29 at 6:00 pm
Backrent of $5015.00 please pray someones heart is moved to help us. My husband couldnt keep up with bills n is behind $5,015.00. I didnt know til Dec 23rd. My son is 15 n all 3 of us are facing eviction without a miracle by Feb 1st. You can pay landlord directly n ill provide proof. I survived a housefire in 2013 n many other trials. Ive always helped others. Please be my earth angel. [email protected]

Donna from the United States

January 29 at 6:00 pm
Please pray for my healing from metastatic breast disease mets to lungs. Also just had neck surgery pray for healing Also healing for my daughter Elena fighting infection and imbalance in body Jason needs digestive healing and Ron has spinal stenosis pray we will cling to our Lord and savior and draw closer to Him

Rob from the United States

January 29 at 5:59 pm
I ask for prayers. I have broken my ankle and am having great difficulty handling crutches and picking things. Very hard to get around. Also very painful and I also ask for prayers for financial provision as well. I am still paying on medical bills from last year and I am almost broke. I am fearful that with these new bills I may not be able to make it financially. I need healing of my body to be able to properly work and get around.

Kathy from the United States

January 29 at 5:58 pm
Please pray that I will get a good paying job soon. I was laid off from a well-paying job and I believe because of my age, it seems it is more difficult to find gainful employment. Thank you very much.

Marie from the United States

January 29 at 5:56 pm
Please agree with me and my family in prayer for healing of diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, overweight(100 + pounds to loose) and all mental illness according to I Peter 2:24 and to be bless to be a blessing according to Psalms 118:24-29 our heavenly Father Yahweh please send now prosperity according to Proverbs 10:22 & 13:22 in the awesome name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen! May our heavenly Father Yahweh bless all who pray for us and our President Trump and his administration to be a great blessing to Israel and the World in the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen! Thank you!

Desrene from Jamaica

January 29 at 5:55 pm
Please pray for my husband son and daughter to be drawn close to God and that we will get our spiritual brake through and a financial brake through. Please pray for our island Jamaica peace love and unity will happen in the name of Jesus Christ our soon coming King

Anne-Lie from the United States

January 29 at 5:55 pm
let us agree in the Name of Jesus Christ the Messiah that my daughter Annah will get out of her financial crisis, get on her feet so she can go forward. She just came back to the Lord PRAISE GOD. if you will please pray and stand in agreement with me for her.Amen, thank you

Deborah from the United States

January 29 at 5:52 pm
I am believing God for complete healing in my body especially my female parts and my legs. my son Travis is in prison and needs deliverance to be the man God has chosen. Tanya his wife needs strength and financial provision. my son Trey desires more of God and His Will. I am grateful for your prayers

Brenda from the United States

January 29 at 5:46 pm
Please pray for my sister she had a stroke and paralyzed on her right side and problem with her speech. Please pray for my son he has a problem with alcohol and he needs a job. My daughter is moving into her home as a single parent with no help she needs financial help.

Barb from the United States

January 29 at 5:45 pm
My prayer request is that my grandchildren will grow up to be strong soldiers for The Lord, bold in their witnessing. Also, I ask for prayer concerning a financial burden be lifted off of us, if it be His will. What a beautiful Blessing to know so many will be praying for us. Thank-you Barb in Ohio

Ren from the United States

January 29 at 5:43 pm
Prayer for Amy God will open the right door in finances for a great job, salary & benefits, for her. God will bless and prosper the works of her and her husband hands, and give them their own home, and fill it with children. He will direct their steps this year and draw them closer to Him. Thank you.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.