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Carmen Martinez from the United States

January 29 at 6:35 pm
For my family,son Steven for salvation,Amanda to came to God,Jeffrey for salvation and for Kimberly and her family,my brother Gilberto and family for salvation and to have more love and they heart,thankyou and God Bless You

Stephen from the United Kingdom

January 29 at 6:32 pm
Please pray for the peaceful collapse of the European Union with immediate effect. NB I had an encounter with a demon who told me that he had a message from God that I should stop praying for the EU to die, when asked about the Testing of the Spirits (1 John 4:1-4) he said I do NOT do that. This means the EU can fail as soon as we pray amen in Jesus's name.

CG from the United States

January 29 at 6:30 pm
My husband passed away 5 months ago from stage 4 cancer. I am trying to finish school, then attend nursing school in the Fall. Now as a widow, I need a financial miracle...

Martin Sileita from Papua New Guinea

January 29 at 6:25 pm
Please pray for me as I plan to launch my new ministry called Immanuel Worship which is aimed at encouraging young people to worship in spirit and in truth and be activated to enjoy the favour of God to do His will and His purposes. I thank God for this prayer team who are my global family. Love you all and may the LORD'S favour be upon us always.

Lenora from the United States

January 29 at 6:25 pm
To receive a full time position in accounting. To align my right toe. For growth in the damaged areas of my scalp. To rebuild my bank account. To exercise more. To be more open and to build my relationship with the Lord.

Blease from the United States

January 29 at 6:23 pm
I'm a 62 yr old man going thru divorce. Have not worked in years due to medical problems but God has blessed me with a minimum wage job in security. I need an apartment of my own but can't afford it on my present salary. I need the favor of God as I'm virtually starting all over again. Also need transportation to work and church, I'm currently using my wife's truck, but have to move out quickly and she has already stated she wants her truck back, even though she has another jeep she could drive. I just want peace, and to move so that I can get on with my life ! Thank you in advance for your prayers on my behalf !

kitty from the United States

January 29 at 6:17 pm
physical and emotional healing for my husband. He feels a call on his life to pastor, but is currently recovering from cancer. Also, pray for the greatest revival in America that would also include revival in Washington.

Jerry Rivers from the United States

January 29 at 6:14 pm
Pray for the people in the USA needs Jesus Christ as their personal savior, young people need to hear the gospel and be saved.

Merkle Draughn from the United States

January 29 at 6:12 pm
LORD Thank you for hearing my prayers. LORD thank you for all you have done for me LORD I'm asking for a financial breakthrough. Lord I'm asking for a car so that I can work on getting my family back. Lord I'm asking you in Jesus Christ name.

Melba from Philippines

January 29 at 6:08 pm
Please for my sister ana and her entire family to return to the Lord and serve Him with all their heart. Pray for her daughter joanne to be delivered from emotional and psychological disturbance. That her first love with the Lord jesus be restored. Thank you

Janeta Antonio Misa from Philippines

January 29 at 6:02 pm
Praise You God Hallelujah. Please pray for my family and love ones for protection, provision and presence of our Almighty Lord. My son John Louie who is on board at P.S. Palios. for his promotions and God's traveling mercy be upon them always in their journey. My daughter Janica Lyn who is now facing termination problem from her work. God is our God of order may He place everything in order and according to His will the best will be given to her career. and touch the heart of all people concerns with this matter, also my son Don Roice continue to touch his heart and hear God's calling to serve also in His kingdom mightily. Wisdom and knowledge to all them. and most all praying for everyone peace, love, and unity, courage and strength, to obey God's commands and be the centers of our lives always. God bless Israel and His chosen people. complete healing from all kinds of sickness. Bless us all body, soul and spirit. physical, emotional, financial & spiritual Amen.

Lisa Jane from the United States

January 29 at 6:00 pm
Backrent of $5015.00 please pray someones heart is moved to help us. My husband couldnt keep up with bills n is behind $5,015.00. I didnt know til Dec 23rd. My son is 15 n all 3 of us are facing eviction without a miracle by Feb 1st. You can pay landlord directly n ill provide proof. I survived a housefire in 2013 n many other trials. Ive always helped others. Please be my earth angel. [email protected]

Donna from the United States

January 29 at 6:00 pm
Please pray for my healing from metastatic breast disease mets to lungs. Also just had neck surgery pray for healing Also healing for my daughter Elena fighting infection and imbalance in body Jason needs digestive healing and Ron has spinal stenosis pray we will cling to our Lord and savior and draw closer to Him

Rob from the United States

January 29 at 5:59 pm
I ask for prayers. I have broken my ankle and am having great difficulty handling crutches and picking things. Very hard to get around. Also very painful and I also ask for prayers for financial provision as well. I am still paying on medical bills from last year and I am almost broke. I am fearful that with these new bills I may not be able to make it financially. I need healing of my body to be able to properly work and get around.

Kathy from the United States

January 29 at 5:58 pm
Please pray that I will get a good paying job soon. I was laid off from a well-paying job and I believe because of my age, it seems it is more difficult to find gainful employment. Thank you very much.

Marie from the United States

January 29 at 5:56 pm
Please agree with me and my family in prayer for healing of diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, overweight(100 + pounds to loose) and all mental illness according to I Peter 2:24 and to be bless to be a blessing according to Psalms 118:24-29 our heavenly Father Yahweh please send now prosperity according to Proverbs 10:22 & 13:22 in the awesome name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen! May our heavenly Father Yahweh bless all who pray for us and our President Trump and his administration to be a great blessing to Israel and the World in the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen! Thank you!

Desrene from Jamaica

January 29 at 5:55 pm
Please pray for my husband son and daughter to be drawn close to God and that we will get our spiritual brake through and a financial brake through. Please pray for our island Jamaica peace love and unity will happen in the name of Jesus Christ our soon coming King

Anne-Lie from the United States

January 29 at 5:55 pm
let us agree in the Name of Jesus Christ the Messiah that my daughter Annah will get out of her financial crisis, get on her feet so she can go forward. She just came back to the Lord PRAISE GOD. if you will please pray and stand in agreement with me for her.Amen, thank you

Deborah from the United States

January 29 at 5:52 pm
I am believing God for complete healing in my body especially my female parts and my legs. my son Travis is in prison and needs deliverance to be the man God has chosen. Tanya his wife needs strength and financial provision. my son Trey desires more of God and His Will. I am grateful for your prayers

Brenda from the United States

January 29 at 5:46 pm
Please pray for my sister she had a stroke and paralyzed on her right side and problem with her speech. Please pray for my son he has a problem with alcohol and he needs a job. My daughter is moving into her home as a single parent with no help she needs financial help.

Barb from the United States

January 29 at 5:45 pm
My prayer request is that my grandchildren will grow up to be strong soldiers for The Lord, bold in their witnessing. Also, I ask for prayer concerning a financial burden be lifted off of us, if it be His will. What a beautiful Blessing to know so many will be praying for us. Thank-you Barb in Ohio

Ren from the United States

January 29 at 5:43 pm
Prayer for Amy God will open the right door in finances for a great job, salary & benefits, for her. God will bless and prosper the works of her and her husband hands, and give them their own home, and fill it with children. He will direct their steps this year and draw them closer to Him. Thank you.

Pamela from the United Kingdom

January 29 at 5:34 pm
Please pray for my sister she is she’s is losing her mind . Thank you .god bless you. Can pray for my son Darren Moonsam as he has his exam. X my sister name is debra Evans. X

Dale Mcghee from the United States

January 29 at 5:33 pm
Please pray that our lord God will heal my wife Micalyne of her sickness of cancer and many others who suffer from this sickness. Pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Jerusalem as well . May our Lord and savior bless all of you in Jesus name. Pray that God make all of us understand the way of his precepts, so we all can talk of his wondrous works. Amen.....

Mala from South Africa

January 29 at 5:32 pm
My nephew is 1 year old. Has cancer of the stomach. Please pray for his healing. I am seeking employment. Please pray the Lord opens doors for me. Also I want to get closer to the Lord spiritually. Pray for Pastor Ronnie Isaac and his family. Facing attacks against his family and the church. Thank you and God Bless.

Chris from the United States

January 29 at 5:32 pm
For my wife Maya's health (RSD & asthma) & for me with prostate cancer. We are representing ourselves (pro se) to try to save our house from fore-closure. We thank God for all of you. We KNOW that He is working His good in ALL of this and has us in the palm of His hand. May He BLESS each & every prayer request here on the wall to HIS GLORY !!

Arzoo Wilson from Pakistan

January 29 at 5:29 pm
Pray for Rogin & Arzoo's marriage. We love each era other v mch but facing many difficulties from his family & my family. Or situation of Pakistan. Pray may God make it possible our marriage.For my family prosperity too. For health of all family members

RUTH GARCIA from the United States

January 29 at 5:28 pm

Jena from the United States

January 29 at 5:28 pm
Please pray for me for protection from m from evil, for house to sell for my sons John n James were estranged pray for John deliverance physically mentally n James the same and for us to all reconcile for my heart to keep believing in the lord god almighty n not give up in my faith in god pray for Jerusalem hat god will protect them he says he will Thank you

Nancy Garcia from Mexico

January 29 at 5:19 pm
I ask for prayer support so that God bless my economy and my business. I urgently need God to bless my economy. Gracias , Dios los bendiga a todos.

Jean from the United States

January 29 at 5:15 pm
Need prayer warriors to pray with me in agreement to bind the strongman in the area of drug addiction over my Husband and His kids and my daughter and her husband. Also to pray for justice over my mom who was a Chaplin for over 50 years for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and now has developed dementia and my Dad who has no peace over this and for my sister Ruthy to be completely delivered from mental illness also and my older sister who suffers from Bio polar. Thank you so much for this prayer wall. Alleluia. God is able I just need people of strong faith to agree with me on these prayers. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Ruth from the United States

January 29 at 5:14 pm
I am seeking prayer for healing of sinus cancer. I was diagnosed in December 2017. I believe that it is The Father's will to heal me. Please agree with me in prayer for my healing.

Susan Beecher from the United States

January 29 at 5:11 pm
Beautiful Colorado here, we are in need of desperate prayer my son of 40 years dropped a bomb on his mother stating I abandoned him when I moved to California. I moved their because his real father gave me permission, then when he got both over the Summer , he dad filed for custody of both. Jessica and William Allen. Well the same judge who gave me custody of both, split custody., giving daughter to mom, son of 2 to his father because he remarried and they could continue his treatment for cranial stenosis. God knows all, and I also have 3grandchildren that I miss terribly. The above circumstance was not abandoned, it was financially, moving expenses, traveling to CA from I'll, hired at VA Med in 3 days, looked for apt for three of us, set up furniture by August 18...God's Will Be Done...Peace for us!...Blessing's over us.Amen...Thanksgiving for all of us. THANK YOU.

Anita from the United States

January 29 at 5:08 pm
Father God, in the name of Jesus, we continue to pray for the peace, protection and provision of Jerusalem. We ask that you would reveal the truth of the lies that people are believing and that You would turn their hearts to the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus. Reveal to the Body of Christ how much Jesus loves us and cause all of us to fall so in love with Jesus that all we want to do is whatever pleases Him.

Derek from the United States

January 29 at 5:07 pm
As a former guest of your wondrous land, I was, and, still am deeply humbled by the grace, warmth and, genuine hospitality that the citizenry showed me. I ask that the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and, Jacob first, keep you all safe and, secure in these trying times; that He richly and, abundantly guide, empower and, bless ALL your leaders. Second, remember my brother, David and, my mom, Christine, in your prayers. Their health is in dire straits and, only a Divine miracle from the Father can help them!! I respectfully and, humbly submit these prayers to you. I thank you in advance for them. Amen and, Shalom, my friends.

Terri from the United States

January 29 at 5:06 pm
I have a couple of prayers, please pray that my nephew Aaron , my daughter in law Chelsea my son Chris , my 19 year Daughter Sara, who got pregnant who won't speak to me, who is with my husband in our house. my Husband Roger , who decided after about 18 years marriage decided May 2015 he decided he wanted to separate. Please Pray they All realize they Need the Lord in their lives an to turn their lives over to our Lord. An I can keep my eyes fixed on the Lord and not give up. An my Marriage to come back together. an for my Daughter to come back to me so I can see her again and see my Grandbaby. I will Pray for you All as I read Your Prayers. May aOur Heavenly Father Bless You All. Amen .

Janet from the United States

January 29 at 5:06 pm
Thank you for prayer for healing for me in the mighty name of Jesus who is Healer! I have had swallowing problems for 2 years and have been on only blender food God has done a mighty work in me and I praise Him for His grace! I do not want my throat stretched so I am asking for the Lord to completely open and heal and restore me for His honor and glory! Thank you all! Praise Jesus for all He has done for me!!

Artrilla M.Baker from the United States

January 29 at 5:06 pm
Pray for for my children Kentrell,Edward,Kent,Keenan and my Grandchildren I have 10.That my children be Godly men.Pray that I get another job need to get my on home. Pray my strength in the Lord. GOD Bless your Ministry.Thank you.

Helen. Owen from the United States

January 29 at 4:59 pm
I am a new widow!! I miss my husband terribly !!! Please pray for me to stay busy and do what the Lord is calling me to do!!! I want to travel to Israel!!! Helen

Robert from the United States

January 29 at 4:59 pm
Holy Father I love you and I thank you for loving me. Father I pray that you please forgive of my sins and hear my prayers, and I pray that you would be gracious and grant my prayers, Father I thank you for protecting my family and me from the evil one and I pray that when Jesus comes to call his people my family and I would be counted in that number, so that where he is we might be also. Father I pray to you in the precious, holy name of Jesus, Father to You be the Glory, forever and forever. AMEN

Jacob from Netherlands

January 29 at 4:58 pm
Pray for my mother, she is dying, only a miracle of the Almighty God Our Healer can heal her. We believe that Jesus is can/will do it for her Everything is possible in the Mighty Name of Jesus There are no limits to His power !! We stand on His promises for his sons and daughters. especially our beloved mother He does what He promises God says I would say and do not

Wayne from the United States

January 29 at 4:57 pm
Please pray that I will return to good health. Heal my legs and my foot so I can become active in the church again. Please remove any bad germs from my body so I can live a few more good years with my family and friends. Let me get a goodnight sleep each and every night from now on. Keep my heart strong.

Albert from Fiji

January 29 at 4:56 pm
Father in heaven, in Jesus name I come before you and pray for Sunita and her Children who have just converted to Christianity from Hinduism, thank you Lord for healing her, pray that you would lead, guide, teach and protect them. may the covering of the blood of Jesus always be upon them. In Jesus Name Amen

Nancy from Panama

January 29 at 4:54 pm
i want prayers for my brother thomas and his family who are mormans. i want him to leave that behind and accept CHRIST AS HIS SAVIOR. i want my pastor to be convicted in his heart to repay one of his people that he said he would and never has. also i dont want to stray from what GOD wants me to do. help me be strong in HIS WAYS. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS.

PAUL from the United States

January 29 at 4:46 pm

Janis from the United States

January 29 at 4:45 pm
Please pray for my son in law. His name is Myron. He was deployed again yesterday, Sunday, January 29th toGermanyfor 6 months. Thewholefamily appreciates your prayers! Janis Isaiah 41v 10

David from the United States

January 29 at 4:40 pm
Please Lord I pray that the Leaders of this country(USA) and the other countries of the world come to you each and every day asking for wisdom and guidance to govern their people and at the end of the day they come to you giving you praise for all that they accomplished. Knowing that without your will it wouldn't have happen. As King Solomon prayed and let them not be like Nebuchadnezzar who declared to the world what he did.

David from the United States

January 29 at 4:40 pm
Father in heaven, I desperately need your help. I am tormented by demonic forces of evil in high places, every day I am attack in the most evil way. I am tired and weary and no one to help. Hear my plea o my GOD and come to my aid, this I pray through your blessed son our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST amen

Richar from the United States

January 29 at 4:40 pm
3115 Peach Tree Ln two young men (brothers) about 10 days ago were involved in a car train collision.The older brother Channing was able to survive with only a concussion but his your brother Coy has been diagnosed w2ith Pneumonia, and brain damage that could impact him being able to walk and talk, Praise God for answered prayer that has eaten some apple sauce but can't yet take liquids because they go into his lungs. HE has also responded with hand gestures and a few words and was able to roll over on his side when asked to. Please pray for the mental and physical restoration of these brothers and that God will use this situation to bring Him Glory in Jesus name, Amen!

Myrna from Canada

January 29 at 4:40 pm
For the salvation of my son Neal and Tina and children Jazz, Logan, Kaden, Kali and my husband Peter! Also pray for for our family relationships with all of them and my daughter Jodi and Mark and their children Faith and Keegan as both my children are both said they are done with me cause I don't talk right or have the right "tone". I know I have bad days (dealing with my husband who is emotionally and verbally abuse and alcoholic) and taking care of my Mom who has dementia but I have asked forgiveness over and over and also asked God to help me and if I make any mistakes they said they are done with me. I am far from perfect but I am confused on why they hate me so and seems just lately it has been worse. I've asked God to show me what I am doing and the pastors but they don't agree with what they say but I try to do what is right. I am praying for complete restoration and salvations and healing! Thank You!

Christie from the United States

January 29 at 4:40 pm
Several people I know are struggling with influenza symptoms and are miserable. On treatment at home. 2. two younger folks are awaiting heart transplants.

Dalaina Grant from the United States

January 29 at 4:40 pm
I have been diagnosed with GERD, Anxiety, PTSD, and have trouble swallowing. Prayer for complete healing and restoration. Thank you, God Bless.

mela vusoniwailala from Fiji

January 29 at 4:37 pm
Pls pray for daughters house for air b&b or rented its vacant and she owes money to Bank. Or else it will be mortgage. Thank u sp much Mela

Gladys from the United States

January 29 at 4:37 pm
My neighbor...Joe....very ill, pray for healing and peace and comfort for his wife and the family...Thank you and Blessing to all I pray daily for your Peace in Jerusalem and do hope to visit this year on a Mission trip of Prayer.

Adegboyega from Nigeria

January 29 at 4:36 pm
I pray The Prince of Peace fill my life with His Peace that surpass all human understanding and Yeshua should save me from horrible pit and miry clay of life. Deliverance from vices and destructive habits

Nancy from the United States

January 29 at 4:35 pm
Please pray for healing for my son Billy. He has been very ill for the past 5 years. Please pray for relief from pain and healing. Thank you for praying!

Patsy Kerbo from the United States

January 29 at 4:35 pm
My heart has been burdened to become closer to the Lord and also for everyone, including my unsaved loved ones and friends, to give their hearts to Him and serve Him. Bless the Name of our Lord God!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✝️✝️✝️

Gwendolyn johnson from the United States

January 29 at 4:33 pm
Please pray for my son Johnny Johnson all he do is lay around my house don't go nowhere when I say something we get into it really bad he say he not going no where I pay all the bills no help please pray over him, need help sobad cant deal with seeing this everyday pray over my health needs god help bad ,in my apartment need a lot of blessing right now me johnson

Richard from the United States

January 29 at 4:29 pm
I severely injured my eye last March 2017 and have undergone three major surgeries by a leading retinologist (whi also is a Christian) here in Houston over this last 11 months. My vision in my left eye isd blurry and cloudy but appears to be slowly returning, I would appreciate prayers to our Master and Savior Jesus Christ to restore my vision to 100% of what it was before the accident, HIs will be done and and I have learned that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord... Thanks

Tina Wisler from the United States

January 29 at 4:29 pm
Religious Freedom, it is dangerous to get married unless protected based on Jesus Absolutes of right and wrong for blessing and cursing so we must restrain What God calls Evil for a civil society and to protect the innocent . So Help to stop and reverse men who Divorced their wife And support by all to not allow Let them put asunder ( pull apart) in anyway from their wife. Hippa , Medical Durable POA, changing the locks on the house, restraining order , mutual restraining order, divorce, roe they are to never leave or forsake their, bride this is to protect the wife. And to provide treatment facilities and help available to get Mental abusers , sexual addicts ect treatment with truth that will set them free out of house into help so the wife doesn’t have to sin by leaving and her life affected. Tina Wisler

Kim from the United States

January 29 at 4:29 pm
First or gray for the peace of Jerusalem. Come quickly your Yeshua! We pray that you open the eyes and the ears in the hearts of you were Jewish people. I ask for total freedom from pain so that I continue to live for you Youshua

Celina from the United States

January 29 at 4:28 pm
Shalom, I need a financial MIRACLE. Also, please pray for my eyesight. 2020 vision, amen? Thank you! With the love of Yeshua. Celina

Dustin Warren from the United States

January 29 at 4:27 pm
Please pray that the Lord will bring a wonderful and Godly woman into my life soon...I've been divorced for three years because my x wife cheated on me for two years behind my back and gave me the divorce papers at a surprise birthday party for me. I had been faithful for ten years to her and had no idea it was going to happen...but the Lord has been with me through the really tough time and I know that when He says that He will never leave us or forsake us that it is true...I don't want to be alone anymore, so please pray that the Lord will bless me again one day...thank you for your prayers. Dustin Warren

Marilyn from the United States

January 29 at 4:24 pm
I pray for my daughter Denise. She is a wife, mother and grandmother. Her family does not respect her. There is no reason for this. She is a born again Christian. I have gotten an invitation to a family function, but she has not. This hurts her very much. Her children treat her badly. Please pray for her. Thank you. and God Bless you all!

Hayley from the United States

January 29 at 4:21 pm
I’m asking for prayer to make the correct decision about moving to Ft. Drum, New York for a year to care for my grandsons during the time son and daughter in law are deployed. Please pray this deployment will be terminated in Jesus holy and precious name. If it cannot be avoided please pray for not only my son and daughter in law but for all of the men and women that will be deployed and their families. Thank you so much Jesus for all that you do.

Barry Brosey from the United States

January 29 at 4:20 pm
Fellow Christians and Jews it is an honor to be able to share my prayer request with so many. My request is simple, I have cancer and have custody of my 5 year old grandson Teagan. I am 71 years old and I am asking God to extend my life 15 years so that Teagan and my disabled daughter have some one looking out for them. Teagans mother died and there is no one else who can step up. Thank you for this great privilege.

Carolina from Canada

January 29 at 4:20 pm
My name is Carolina I would like prayers for my two sons Tony and Marco, that they would give their lives to Jesus. Pray that my son Tony that God will change him in a miraculous way and that he will become a warrior for God - he says hes an atheist now but I know thats a cover up for a lot of pain. Pray for my son Marco that he will become a Christian and that God will send him his chosen wife and that he will find a job and a career that he absolutely loves. Pray for the salvation of my grandchildren Sara, Luca, Gio, Anthony that God will use them in his ministry that they will make God the center of their lives -- pray for the salvation of the souls of my daughter in laws Marie and Eva Pray for me Carolina that God will bless me with wisdom, knowledge, breakthroughs in my spiritual life, in my health, breakthrough in my finances, and breakthroughs in my family life. Pray for a revival to sweep through our country

alfred muro from the United States

January 29 at 4:18 pm
hi brethren, I need prayer for future plans that includes a the right life partner , retirement plans for I am 60 years old my girlfriend is 40 years, I trust that I will be making the right decision with her at this time in my life.

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The Jerusalem Prayer Team with Dr. Michael D. Evans exists to build Friends of Zion to guard defend and protect the Jewish people and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for peace in Jerusalem because the Scriptures tell us to in Psalm 122:6. The Jerusalem Prayer Team was inspired from the 100-year long prayer meeting for the restoration of Israel held in the ten Boom family home in Haarlem, Holland. We are committed to encouraging others to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's Chosen People. Jerusalem Prayer Team members are also members of Churches United with Israel, Corrie Ten Boom House, Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Jerusalem World News. The Jerusalem Prayer Team mailing address is PO BOX 30000 Phoenix, AZ 85046 or you can call us at 1-888-966-8472. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a dba of the Corrie ten Boom Fellowship. The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID# 75-2671293. All donations to CTBF (less the value of any products or services received) are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Donations made to the Jerusalem Prayer Team are put to work immediately and are not refundable.